Spyder Cracks

When I have been using my board. I have noticed spyder cracks in the hot cot. I am guessing it is the thickness of the hot cot that is causing this? Also i am getting some by my laps. Does anyone have any suggestions to fix this problem?


Howzit Kaotik, Since the cracks are in the hot coat just sand them out and rehot coat the areas, that’s the way I do it.Aloha,Kokua

Is there anything i can do in my laminate stage or hotcoat stage that would prevenet this from happening?

Howzit Kaotik, Those cracks could also be from hitting things with the board. You said you thought the cracks could be from a thick hotcoat so the fix there is to sand more of the hotcoar off. Can’t think of any thing during the lamination oricess to prevent the cracks. Like I said just sand out the cracks and rehotcoat the area.Aloha,Kokua