
I have been looking through some of the material supplier’s catalogs and found a new “pre softened” squeegee it looks kinda pink in color. Whats up with this???

I have been looking through some of the material supplier’s catalogs and > found a new “pre softened” squeegee it looks kinda pink in > color. Whats up with this??? …Haven’t seen the pink ones,hum…I use the standard whites for heavy glassing,and the soft blue ones for lighter,more delicate situations.Let us know about the pinkies if you get one.Herb

…Haven’t seen the pink ones,hum…I use the standard > whites for heavy glassing,and the soft blue ones for lighter,more delicate > situations.Let us know about the pinkies if you get one.Herb They have the light beige/pinkish squeegees at Channin Fiberglassing. I believe they come off the truck from REVCO or the other supplier, who ever he is, duh.

Are these common in the industry? I just switched to one from a thalco (white rubber) and like it much better. They seem to move resin around better for me and are easier to work with.

Are these common in the industry? I just switched to one from a thalco > (white rubber) and like it much better. They seem to move resin around > better for me and are easier to work with. Yeh, I have seen them used by several laminaters, they seem to be softer than the Thalco’s. One word of advice for you new laminators, squeegees, before being used, will stay supple forever, but once they are in acetone or resin, they MUST be kept submerged in acetone FOREVER. If not the become completely stiff and the surface becomes very chalky.

Nothing like chuncks of squeege in your lam !!! Am I the only one using the soft blue squeeges?Herb

never seen em. where do you get soft blue squeegees, Herb?

never seen em. where do you get soft blue squeegees, Herb? …A couple of years ago in the H.B./Westminister,Ca.area most of the surfboard laminators were using these new (soft)blue squeeges,and as quick as they came in …they disappeared.They look just like the Thalco squeeges,but in a light royal blue color,and soft(not to soft,just right).I traded some time for one(8") thru Dave Heddy @ Surffix,and I believe Conrad @ Spanners gave me a 10 incher. …I mother them both because I have not seen anymore since.The blues are also a little more durable,and better at resisting chemical breakdown. …If there is anyone that knows where to find these nice touch items please post a response.Herb

hey herb…ask cdb, if im not mistaken ive seen him use one. could be wrong though. how 'bout it clay???

hey herb…ask cdb, if im not mistaken ive seen him use one. could be > wrong though. how 'bout it clay??? …Well?Herb

…Well?Herb I bought some soft, blue squeeges from Foam E-Z.

…did you get them recently? How much did Brad charge you?Herb

…Well?Herb yep I got one and like you I found out the hard way about them chalking up, but I do still have one good one soaking in the acetone --I got it at Surf Source last summer, I’ll go by there tomorrow and see if they have any more stashed away and let you know----by the way Herb, we gotta talk one day we have a lot of mutual friends and I’m still trying to figure out if we ever met in my old San Diego days

yep I got one and like you I found out the hard way about them chalking > up, but I do still have one good one soaking in the acetone --I got it at > Surf Source last summer, I’ll go by there tomorrow and see if they have > any more stashed away and let you know----by the way Herb, we gotta talk > one day we have a lot of mutual friends and I’m still trying to figure out > if we ever met in my old San Diego days I’ll bet we do have some connections from the past and present.As far as the name Clay goes it rings a strong bell ! I checked out Brad Nydel’s site,FOAM-EZ he does carry them.I still like using the white squeeges for heavier work ,but the soft blue ones are great for lighter glass jobs of todays market.

hey Harb…we called saurf source and they dont have the soft blue squeegees that youre talking about. good to hear that you found some at foam-ez. keep in touch our number at the shop is (904)2702044. you should call sometime and talk with clay. hope to talk to you soon man. Josh