Squeeze Test

Hi, Great site–the information here is priceless. I just finished glassing my first two shortboards (I’ve shaped and glassed about 10 longboards), and even though I used 6X6 E glass on the deck (I’m a big guy), I can still depress the foam slightly underneath my fingers after a hard squeeze (the foam even makes a tiny sound when pressed). I know that this is often the case with boards glassed real light, but I tend to glass heavy (the boards have been hotcoated but not yet sanded). Is it possible that the glass didn’t bond well with the foam? I used dark tints with the boards, and they went off as planned. I then hotcoated with UV. Any help is greatly appreciated. Mahalo, Thomas

You either used a very light blank of overshaped the blank or got the laminate too dry. Those are usually the causes for what you’ve discribed.