Blakestah is making a good start, but honestly I’ve heard a bunch of retired guys with model airplanes use more accurate terminology than most of the discussions I read here. Here’s a bit of stuff borrowed from basic aerodynamics, skip it if you wish:
Foils are devices that provide reactive forces when in motion relative to their surrounding fluid; they can be accurately described by their chord, camber, thickness, and thickness distribution.
The chord of a foil is the straight line joining the ends of the mean camber line, i.e. from the leading edge to the trailing edge.
In a symmetric foil, the distance from the chord line to upper surface is always equal to the distance to the lower surface. In a cambered foil, this is not the case.
The mean line is equidistant from the upper and lower surfaces of a foil.
Camber is the maximum distance between the mean line and the chord line. If the maximum distance between the chord line and the mean line is 4% of the length of the chord, the foil has a 4% camber.
Camber is a straight line on symmetrical foils and a curve on asymetrical foils. (that means Chord and Camber are different on asymmetrical fins)
Thickness is defined a a percent of Chord.
Angle of Attack is the angle between the foil’s chord and the relative wind (or relative water for a fin)
(there are several ways to define AOA if you want to get really technical).
Path Velocity is the speed and direction of the foil, which is the opposite of (and equal to) the relative wind/water.
the Mean Camber Line is exaggerated in order to show the chord clearly.
As the angle of attack of a foil is increased, its coefficient of lift increases - up to a point. If the angle of attack is increased further, the rate of increase of the coefficient of lift is less, until finally it starts to actually decrease. The onset of a stall is the point at which the flow over the foil ceases to be a well-behaved laminar flow and the foil starts to lose lift. A foil stalls at a predetermined angle of attack.
parasitic drag, is resistance of the foil to the water through which it moves. Parasitic drag increases with the square of the speed.
induced drag is related to the foil’s production of lift. Net lift is produced at right angles to the chord of the wing. Since there must be a positive angle of attack at low speed to produce lift, there is a component of the total hydrodynamic force which resolves to a vector in the drag direction. At low speed and high angles of attack, induced drag increases and becomes a large factor.
washout is a defined term related to “twist” in the foil; washout is a twist that places the leading edge higher than the trailing edge as you move from root to tip
twist is the relative angle of attack at the root and tip of a foil.
Washout is more important in aerodynamics than surfboard fins because that airplanes have critical control surfaces located near the tip of the wing. These ailerons allow pilots to turn the plane and pull out of spins. Fins have no such control surfaces, thus tip stall is not so critical. (Plus airplanes tend to fall out of the sky when they stall, much more dangerous than stalling a fin – except perhaps at Teeahapo or however you spell it.)
That being said, not all parts of the fin generate lift equally; and its probably still better to have fins stall gradually rather than all at once, because that increases control.
There. Enough insomniac terminology…