This is my 1st post in Swaylocks! What a blast! Check out my beef: Body boarders should always take a backseat to surfers. It is an easier spoirt and doesn’t require nearly as much skill to master. All surfers can ride on their bellys, but most belliers cannot surf. Think about that. Where I surf (Tamarack) it is called (even on the sign) Tamarack Surfing Beasch. It is against the rules for a body boarder, swimmner, or bodgy surfer to be in the surfing only zone, but it isn’t very enfoirced, so the spongers come over and grab the rights at Spotties (a really good and wedgie right that’s pertfect for short boarding and luanching). Yeah, it’s a great bodyboarding wave, but it’s supposed to be a surfoing only break. The lifeguards drive down in their Jeeps once an hour to tell the spongers to movbe north. They don’t and unfortunately, the way thee wave comes in, they can catch it a lot earlier than even the long boardfers. The most humiliating thing is getting snaked by someone who`s riding on their belly. Thats gets me steamning mad. The way I see it, the only excuse for that kind of thing is when its 1. super hollow and 2. super closed out. Surfng a point break dosen’t make sense (unless you are a kook who can’t stand up). I will be spedific: body surfing and belly riding are to surfing as a chimp is to a man. The chimp might me a bit more flexcible and have a couple adfvantages here and there, but he’s still a chimp. Or a chump.
I have just one question. How come you can spell “humiliating”, but can’t spell “sport” (spoirt)?
This is a surfboard design forum. Not, why do I care “spongers are at my peak forum”.
Howzit G., He has a problem with beach also.Aloha, Kokua
Proto Calls: there is a real need to moderate the inane post. This thread takes the cake. Rob Olliges
Keep it going. Keep it feisty.
When I start to read these posts, and then find out that they do not relate to building and design, I just scroll through until I find something interesting. How about we all give it a try?
Last I heard, riding a wave was still about fun and the freedom of choice. No matter what, or how, you choose to surf, there are advantages & disadvantatges. Its all about what we do with those choices. The common denominators are sensation and performance... those things we most enjoy and require. Your evolutionary surfing chimp to man analogy was even more amusing when I considered that the best, natural-born surfers in the world are dolphins. I
d rather understand surfing from their perspective than from someone who`s evolved from a chimp! Or a chump.
El Maestro I think you have bigger problems than bodyboarders. Just got back from Hawaiian islands surfed west side Kauai( Poipu area)and Kona on the big island and shared some good waves with locals riding everything imaginable including some kids on plywood paipos. Did not see/hear one bad word between anyone or towards anyone, shared waves with joy and respect. True aloha. Take a lesson from the island crew. Aloha.
You`re one lucky haole. Did you teach the blissful ignorant to stand up?
Howzit El maestro, Be nice about you say about the people on the islands,other wise the blissful may just stand up on you. This message is brought to you from the Kauai Boys, Aloha, Kokua