Stayin' Warm...

O.K. - This isn’t about board design and where I surf isn’t THAT cold compared to a lot of spots (I hear you Dale)… I’ve been taking some big jugs (like what might hold liquid laundry detergent) full of hot water, putting them in an ice chest with my cold damp wetsuit and by the time I get to the beach the wetsuit is nice and cozy plus I have a hot water shower when I get out.

O.K. - This isn’t about board design and where I surf isn’t THAT cold > compared to a lot of spots (I hear you Dale)… I’ve been taking some big > jugs (like what might hold liquid laundry detergent) full of hot water, > putting them in an ice chest with my cold damp wetsuit and by the time I > get to the beach the wetsuit is nice and cozy plus I have a hot water > shower when I get out. Good call John!

Thats a way cool idea! Think I might have to try that one.

another good way is to get a big jug and cover it with a few layers of aluminum foil and then a few layers of duct tape on that. fill it with hot water and it will stay warm for hours! -steve

News Flash!!! There is a product on the market designed to keep hot water hot or cold water cold…It’s called a “thermos”… I use a 2 gallon model, it stays warm enough in winter for a long drive to the beach followed by a 3 hour session… Paul

Good one John, works for me too. Same idea with the ice chest, I use recycled milk or water jugs. It’s usually dawn patrols for my son and I so I use a short piece of hose off the hot water heater in the garage. It keeps the noise down in the house and draining the hot water heater is one of those things your supposed to do but never get around to it, right? Gotta keep those surf sessions justified any way 'ya can around my house. Tom>>> O.K. - This isn’t about board design and where I surf isn’t THAT cold > compared to a lot of spots (I hear you Dale)… I’ve been taking some big > jugs (like what might hold liquid laundry detergent) full of hot water, > putting them in an ice chest with my cold damp wetsuit and by the time I > get to the beach the wetsuit is nice and cozy plus I have a hot water > shower when I get out.

You guys have it all wrong!! A big shot of tequilla after a surf is all you need! aloha nui!, tw

A Thermos…How does it know? Keeps cold liquid cold, keeps hot liquid hot…Hmmm>>> News Flash!!!>>> There is a product on the market designed to keep hot water hot or cold > water cold…It’s called a “thermos”… I use a 2 gallon model, > it stays warm enough in winter for a long drive to the beach followed by a > 3 hour session…>>> Paul

We just fill the ice chest with hot water and use a hood as a laddle.When my son was younger he would just climb in. P.S.The water warmed up here in Santa Cruz-maybe 53 today

Yea but…a Thermos don’t fit nuff water ta take a shower with! Might be nuff ta worsh one foot off…

I use a 32 oz cup of coffee before I go out…problem is I can only rinse off from the knees down afterwards!

Yea but…a Thermos don’t fit nuff water ta take a shower with! Might be > nuff ta worsh one foot off… …2 gallons… gets my one foot very worshed offf… Paul