Steve Brom Fish Review

5 10 shaped by Steve Brom , Glassed at Beatty Glassing. Almost too pretty to wax but I did anyway and took it out at a head high local reef which is backside for me. Halfway through the session I was wondering why I had so many boards. This one surfed the way I want all my boards to . Paddles great, fast from the get go and easy to lay over smooth rail to rail very solid in the pocket. I can’t wait to ride it frontside. Steve is great to deal with,his work is immaculate as was the packing job. The only bad thing is that he’s all the way on the west coast and shipping is costly for just one board. Anyway, best fish I ever had by far and possibly the best surfboard. If you’re out there, thanks Steve . MDM

That’s awesome, man. There’re people out there who talk about fish and don’t even surf them or fish-appropriate waves. I’m much more interested in people’s first-hand experience.

So, please, what do you weigh and your height?

Does your fish have glassed-on keels? What is the template on them like, and their placement?

And you say it worked great backside, rail to rail?

Did it “draw out turns” in a bad way at all? Some people say keels are wrong tech, so I’m totally interested in this particular ting.

Did you spec anything out of the ordinary or is it pretty much straight off the catalog?

If you could sketch a little salient info about the shape it would be awesome too. Swayholics thank you for sharing.

$600.00 glass jobs. Many hours of labor by skilled workers

Wait until you point that thing down the line at a point break…

You haven’t experienced anthing yet …

Have fun!

Remember weight forward :slight_smile:

I’m 5 '9 185 and 37. He used glass, glass on Keel fins of his own design. I think his website has some good shots of them.

It did’nt track if thats what you mean , it went where I pointed it and one pump took it high and over sections.

I just told Steve my height and weight , where I surf, how I surf, and what I liked about his 6’0 that I have . HE suggested the length and did the rest.

He pulled the nose more than my other one and thined it down from 3" to mabey 2 3/4. Less volume all around. Also the width is less then 21 I think but I’ll have to measure.

I’ll take some pictures and post them if I could figure it out.

Ia Orana, MDM

I have seen these Steve Brom fish in Santa Barbara. Very cool boards. I found myself going over and over these fish in the shop taking mental notes on rocker and fin placement. I also saw a fish in Venture by Spence, very nice shape, had a single concave on the bottom and when you look down the bottom of the board from the nose the fins curved in towards the centerline. I have seen fins like this about 25 years ago on a twin fin board by Mike Doyle, concave deck, concave bottom, and curved fins.

Hey Spence! If you read this, can share what the concept is behind the curved fins?

Poe Rava


I also am not on the west coast, so:

  1. Did you buy thru the beatty webs site?

  2. Cost? and shipping cost?

  3. time frame?

Thanks, I am pretty interested in one of these, saw one last summer in a shop in cali

Texas check your PM, MDM


P.O. Box 42211

Santa Barbara ca.


1 - 805 - 962 - 3678


Good Stuff !Herb

I tried to post some pics. Not sire how they will come out. MDM

Great looking board, with some beautiful pinline work. Are they resin pins? Lately I’ve been in total awe of the pinlining on Brom and Cooperfish boards. That can’t all be tape work…or is it?


Great looking board, with some beautiful pinline work. Are they resin pins? Lately I’ve been in total awe of the pinlining on Brom and Cooperfish boards. That can’t all be tape work…or is it?

The pins are taped off an painted by Clyde Beatty himself. He’s an incredible artist who has been pinlining forever. Some of Broms older boards were done by Chris Fallon, who also works, or worked for Gene.

I’d like to see Clyde’s shop put out some resin pins too.

I received mine just before the holidays…my other boards are gathering dust. Steve was the easiest shaper I have ever dealt with,board was ready before promised(slow time in Calif for boards…) and made it through shipping without a blemish. I will second you on the '“too pretty to wax” thing…a work of art. The glassing from Beatty products was the best I have ever seen. A very mellow guy and sick with talent shaper. Best riding board I have had the pleasure to surf on…you think it…and your there. Smooth and precise…transitions are a dream…round house cutbacks like an after thought. Anyway…I could rave all day about the board…complicated bottom…nice flow/foil…a lot going on…but very subtly done. Master shaper is an understatment…and a down to earth nice guy to deal with…have fun…

nice to see a fish with twin fins for a change too.

Is Steve Brom the guy who made David Nuuhiwa’s ‘fish’ at the huntington world title or whatever it was, back in the early '70’s ?

I ask, because I think I saw an ad and maybe a shot of Nuuhiwa surfing one in one of my old surfers from around '73 / '74 , from memory.


Here are a couple of pics steve sent me while it was still in production…which don’t do it justice.The guy is nice…sends pics to keep you updated…fantastic. Beautiful and fast…ice blue rocket…have fun…

Those boards are so sweet. Dang! MDM and O-23, are the fins single or double foiled? Mike

MDM and O-23.

Very nice looking boards, very very nice. Could one of you please post the dimensions of the fins?



Hey mike,Maz,

They are single foiled, 6" base x 5-1/4" height ,if I remember correctly. They go much better than they look!!! Have fun…


I ask, because I think I saw an ad and maybe a shot of Nuuhiwa surfing one in one of my old surfers from around '73 / '74 , from memory.


Nice pics Oceans23!
