Hello all,
I am working on a 6’ 4" rounded pin tail with inspiration taken from the CI Black Beauty. While weighing out my epoxy resin and hardener I poured in approximately double the amount of hardener I should have. I continued my bone-headed activities and went ahead and glassed the deck of the board. I was able to tuck one rail before the resin kicked and went from being workable to a boiling hot goop. I wasn’t able to tuck the other rail and scrape excess resin off (which was a lot) and now 48 hours later the board is still sticky and not sandable. The rest of the board, without excess resin, is tacky but seems to be hardening.
I am wondering if the spots with excess resin will eventually harden so I can sand them off or if there is a solution for this? I cut off the fiberglass from the rail I was unable to tuck and was planning on glassing it separately once I can sand the rest flush. The problem is I cant even scrape the stick resin off with a razor and trying to sand it just turns it into hot gum that delaminates the fiber glass underneath. My knowledge is that an improper resin ratio will never cure but I am very reluctant to scrap this board so any advice would be much appreciated!