Still looking for a Bob White #6 Pictures or Poster

Trying this again. Ed Townes loaned me his poster of Bob Whites #1-#5 but I am still looking for pictures of a #6. I would also like to find a copy of the 2nd poster with the number 6 on it. Anyone?


Here is part of the 1st poster showing a Bob White #1


Did you try contacting some of the old steel pier crew like Bobby Holland, Frierson, Pete Smith, etc? Bob’s family still lives here too. I’ll see if I can get a contact #, my neighbors are friends of with some of them.


I have tried just about every avenue I can think of .  Pete says he doesn't have a poster or picture.  No one else seems to have a pic.  I do have one contact in DC but so far I haven't see a picture yet.
