
how do you go about shaping a stinger. Is it done in the templating or some process after. Is it the same for wings? thanks

well first learn how to shape…then you will see how dumb the quesion you just asked is. and why the hell do you want to ride a stinger anyways?! the fricken REAK!

how do you go about shaping a stinger. Is it done in the templating or > some process after. Is it the same for wings? thanks . Wings,bumps are differently built than a stinger.A wing is added onto the outline of the board.If you were to cut the wing into the outline of the board…Well all I can say is you have a really nice notch tail there. STINGER: has it’s (for lack of terms)stings cut into the out line but in done differently than you might think,it’s more hourglassy in outline than you realize.Second: the stings should hold a ratio to the length of the board at 1/3 of it’s length.Or about that.Coupled with beveled stings,tunneltails,stepbottoms,can make for one hell of a ride. In my opinion stingers work great in forward moving,longer riding waves.They’re also tricky to master backside,and in some stinger designs,they just don’t work at all.Herb.

It’s best to cut the wings and stings in after you shape your bottom and I prefer after I’ve banded the rails. The dumbest question is the one that goes un asked. aloha and good luck.

i am a kook shaper…i love to shape bodyboards

well first learn how to shape…then you will see how dumb the quesion you > just asked is. and why the hell do you want to ride a stinger anyways?! > the fricken REAK! Well duh, learn how to respond. this site is for learning how to shape. I’m at the right site for this question. If I went to I know everything but I’m still very bitter with my life web site then you have a valid answer for me . Oh before you come back to bag on the stinger and why anyone would want to ride one ask John Carper why he makes a stingray model since they suck so much.

Jon Carper is old! old people suck, and ride stupid boards! and what do you do…base all your shaping knowledge on “shaping 101”. as i said before, learn how to shape. i herd Jon was kayaking…quick go get a kayak!!! KOOK!

Jon Carper is old! old people suck, and ride stupid boards! and what do > you do…base all your shaping knowledge on “shaping 101”. as i > said before, learn how to shape. i herd Jon was kayaking…quick go get a > kayak!!! KOOK! Old people suck?–amazing how small some people’s world is. We have a choice about getting old right? Only people are stupid not boards unless of course you think they are somehow more that an extention of the surfer who rides them so only young people can surf. Not! This thing we call surfing is an individual expression and always will be. Carper’s been around a while and worked in 5 different shops and probably shaped over 10,000 boards. He might know something about what he’s doing. Believe me there’s some old carp out there who can rip it up even if they don’t ride a 5’11" potato chip. Careful which dog you pick a fight with, you may get you head handed to you. Frankly, as soon as someone wants to start an argument I just bow out cause usually you can’t tell which guy is the idiot in an argument and I get confused very easily. Kayaks and surfboards don’t mix well it’s true but I’m sure as hell not gonna drop in on one. Good Surfin’, Rich p.s. I hope the ocean is big enough for all of us.

Me too!

Jon Carper is old! old people suck, and ride stupid boards! and what do > you do…base all your shaping knowledge on “shaping 101”. as i > said before, learn how to shape. i herd Jon was kayaking…quick go get a > kayak!!! KOOK!..It must be lonely for you kooksaper. J.C. IS GOOD PEOPLE,not some bitter little boy that can’t shape like you! And don’t use tom’s name.

Well duh, learn how to respond. this site is for learning how to shape. > I’m at the right site for this question. If I went to I know everything > but I’m still very bitter with my life web site then you have a valid > answer for me . Oh before you come back to bag on the stinger and why > anyone would want to ride one ask John Carper why he makes a stingray > model since they suck so much. I ride a round pin stinger shaped by Dev called an oinker. It gives a little more flotation for bigger guys with a wider outline yet with the tail at around 14" it’ll still surf well in the pocket. At 6’10" its a fun board for a 215 lb guy like me. I started riding these stingers in the 70’s when Ben Aipa and Glenn Minami were shaping them, I’ve always like the way they feel and its good to see them coming back. Just my $.02…

I’ve got some stinger roundpins that go unreal in bowly surf. I feel that my stingers go unreal backside especially for vertical surfing. I’ll try and post some pics.

“tom=kook shaper” whoever you are(weakling who won’t use his real name), that was the lamest dumb ass post i’ve ever read here. you truly made yourself out to be a real kook!!! my guess is you and your boards suck!

Jon Carper is old! old people suck, and ride stupid boards! and what do > you do…base all your shaping knowledge on “shaping 101”. as i > said before, learn how to shape. i herd Jon was kayaking…quick go get a > kayak!!! KOOK! Hey Mr. Personality, Your a joke Pal! Why don’t you go someplace else…your negative vibe is bringing us down.

Old people suck?–amazing how small some people’s world is. We have a > choice about getting old right?>>> Only people are stupid not boards unless of course you think they are > somehow more that an extention of the surfer who rides them so only young > people can surf. Not!>>> This thing we call surfing is an individual expression and always will be. > Carper’s been around a while and worked in 5 different shops and probably > shaped over 10,000 boards. He might know something about what he’s doing. > Believe me there’s some old carp out there who can rip it up even if they > don’t ride a 5’11" potato chip.>>> Careful which dog you pick a fight with, you may get you head handed to > you. Frankly, as soon as someone wants to start an argument I just bow out > cause usually you can’t tell which guy is the idiot in an argument and I > get confused very easily.>>> Kayaks and surfboards don’t mix well it’s true but I’m sure as hell not > gonna drop in on one.>>> Good Surfin’, Rich>>> p.s. I hope the ocean is big enough for all of us. This is exactly the same type of heat I was getting from the east coast sites. All of the facelessness of the internet is perfect for sniping away at others with out the slightest chance of repercussions. Hiding behind a screen name.

well first learn how to shape…then you will see how dumb the quesion you > just asked is. and why the hell do you want to ride a stinger anyways?! > the fricken REAK! Well duh, learn how to respond. this site is for learning how to shape. I’m at the right site for this question. If I went to I know everything but I’m still very bitter with my life web site then you have a valid answer for me . Oh before you come back to bag on the stinger and why anyone would want to ride one ask John Carper why he makes a stingray model since they suck so much. S.R., The dribble posted by the ‘poster child for abortions’ (a.k.a. Duh) to your question did not merit a response at all. The mere fact that you had so many people examine your post prior to seeing someone actually respond demonstrates the relevance and the common interest to your subject matter. I (as I’m sure many others) have been looking forward to the Phillips’, Spitzers’, Magic Mans’ et. al. response to learn from their significant experience. The behavior that I propose to the Swayholic Crew is to completely disregard any negative or degrading posts that show up on this site. The complete lack of attention towards the attention whores of negativity should serve us well, and hopefully they can crawl back to the east coast sites that Jim referred to. Keep Swaylocks clean. Dawn Patrol at HB manana! Respectfully Magoo

actually i agree completely and never respond to such posts but smokin’ resin is a close friend(and shapes nice boards btw) and just couldn’t resist…i’ll delete it. bruce

actually i agree completely and never respond to such posts but smokin’ > resin is a close friend(and shapes nice boards btw) and just couldn’t > resist…i’ll delete it.>>> bruce I agree silence is the best solution.