Stingerless Composite Question

Do you need to skin with balsa to go to one pound EPS? Deadshaper, you might be able to answer this. I have just surfed a 2.5 pound superfused EPS longboard that was broken into four pieces. No dowel, so in a sense stringerless (the stringer is a tad broken and not joining). It’s stiff. Too stiff.

So, now the logical thing to do is go to a lighter density right? But Dead, if you are reading this, what is the lightest density of EPS that you have used for a stingerless longboard? Using your stagger lap and cloth tape method that is. Without significant problems as well.

By significant, I mean all boards can break, dent etc, etc, etc. But I don’t want a competition board either. I was thinking of trying 1.5 pound for my first stringerless longboard. Is this the way EPS boards should be going? Not higher in denisty, but lower? Oh for a bigger R&D budget.

Short answer is no

consider balsa composite skin to be the equivalent strength of 10oz of fiber glass. So to glass a board that is 1lb foam or less with no wood or stringer you would need a 16-18 oz bottom and a 20-24 oz top. It would weigh a lot. if you use carbon fiber it of course would be a different formula, less glass and weight.

I thought the whole purpose of compveneer was to have a light strong board.


Do you not currently use wood veneer an why do you fear using a stringer?

make a sunova with 0.75 lb foam, wood rails and top and bottom.

1.5lb foam has already been explored, you should have no problem with it. If you have the set up for vacuum bagging you should go wood or d-cell.