Do you need to skin with balsa to go to one pound EPS? Deadshaper, you might be able to answer this. I have just surfed a 2.5 pound superfused EPS longboard that was broken into four pieces. No dowel, so in a sense stringerless (the stringer is a tad broken and not joining). It’s stiff. Too stiff.
So, now the logical thing to do is go to a lighter density right? But Dead, if you are reading this, what is the lightest density of EPS that you have used for a stingerless longboard? Using your stagger lap and cloth tape method that is. Without significant problems as well.
By significant, I mean all boards can break, dent etc, etc, etc. But I don’t want a competition board either. I was thinking of trying 1.5 pound for my first stringerless longboard. Is this the way EPS boards should be going? Not higher in denisty, but lower? Oh for a bigger R&D budget.