I heard from my mate Rosco today , from the south coast of New South Wales [Australia] , that a mate of his , Jack , visiting him from Dee Why [Sydney] rode the 4’11 “Tadpole” [fish] I made for Ross’s son Dane 4 years ago . (At Currarong …Josh , Luke , others …you may know where this is !)

…And , from Rosco’s report , Jack ripped on it !! [Jack , it turns out , is EXACTLY the same size as me …5’10 and 65kgs…also a natural footer.]

It was especially good because I was able to talk to the guy on the phone , and get his feedback on how it went .

I hope Rosco thinks to photograph / video him tomorrow on it !! [I “gently pushed” him to]


“It was year 2005. Surfing had been stagnating since the ‘80s and Anderson’s thruster… And suddenly, out of nowhere came a young Ben Mc Tafish61 who made a 4’ 11” fish for a friend’s son… The rest is history now, as we have all been riding 4’ 00" to 4’ 11" Benfishes ever since…"

From “The True History of Surfing”, by Balsa.

Hey Chipman,

What are the dimensions, what are the fin placements, keels , glass on, boxes, cant, rocker, nose width, pod, stringer, foam, colour, acid wash, resin amounts, humidity, glass, leash plug, loop, rails…

C’mon Ben, we need to know, either that or a picture mate…

‘Ben’ ne fait rien …rien , monsieur Balsa Billy !

mais merci pour la [?le?] compliment…


I like the sound of your book, balsa. Good comment.

Any insight as to when people will start using decimals, and drop off the antiquated imperial measurement system?

Oh, I forgot, tradition, tradition, tradition.


Hey Chipman,

What are the dimensions, what are the fin placements, keels , glass on, boxes, cant, rocker, nose width, pod, stringer, foam, colour, acid wash, resin amounts, humidity, glass, leash plug, loop, rails…

C’mon Ben, we need to know, either that or a picture mate…

think I could find my original post anywhere ? [a bit hard , wading through nearly 3000 posts . Now , if I was ‘malcolm’ …find it in 2 seconds , no problem !! heheh …sorry , Sir, I couldn’t resist ! ]

Anyway , I scanned THIS shot of the tail and fins … The shot of Dane [Rosco’s son] with “the tadpole” four years ago [almost to the day !!] is the shot I am really looking for …

16" x 4’11 x 20 x 2 1/2 x 15" [ with a 9 1/2" “pod” … ie:tail tip to tip measurement]

four fcs plugs …whatever fins I make for him . 11" to back plug from tail [made as / for a thruster setup for a then 7 year old.]

8" back fin box. ditto on back fin .

…as you can see , it’s a Chipper rarity …a WHITE board ??!! [only because I had to glass it the day before I flew to Sydney !]


The legrope plug , fcs plugs , and finbox were all installed by “Eggy” in Gerringong … [this shot was taken the day I left Perth ]

Before my one and only surf on it , at ‘Boatramp’, near Bendy …

the verdict … a very loose [ and a bit difficult to paddle , too !] board. But , FUN , once you got onto the wave !!



I like the sound of your book, balsa. Good comment.

Any insight as to when people will start using decimals, and drop off the antiquated imperial measurement system?

Oh, I forgot, tradition, tradition, tradition.

That’s in another chapter, Wildy. You’ll understand that I cannot make any more quotations, otherwise nobody will ever buy the book…

(By the way, I do agree with you. Would you believe that I have had french people ask me how much a 190 x 50 x 6,5 actually was in feet and inches? Just plain ridiculous…)


Hey Chipman,

What are the dimensions, what … humidity, …

C’mon Ben, we need to know, either that or a picture mate…

try as I might , I REALLY struggle[d] to get shots of the humidity …sorry Grant !

Chippity Chip Chipman. I am stoke that you’re stoked were all stoked …sing along now … . . .

good on you Ben

Ben Shipman

Is this the shot you were looking for?

inspiration for your kneeboard blank i guess.

thanks Josh !