This morning I was out surfing some pretty marginal waves. I was kind of frustrated, you know the kind- where you just never have quite enough juice to fly.
At a certain point I was paddling out and three dolphins were torpedoing towards me in the oncoming wave. I was scared that I might collide with one of them when I duck dove the wave. As I dove under I could immediately hear their squeeks/whistles under water. It was the first time I’ve ever heard dolphins under water. My immediate impression was that they were hooting with joy, shreiking with laughter, having a good old time.
After that I had to readjust my mental state and get over my frustration. The dolphins stayed by me. There were really little ones that kept jumping out of the water. That kept me smiling- just thinking they were like little toddlers, full of exuberance.
Anyways, I just had to share that with you all, maybe it’ll help you through a funk or some bad surf frustrations.
ps. I forgot to mention. I put the question mark because the little red devil on my other shoulder was saying that the dolphin’s whistles probably translated to, “Get out of the way you land lubbing kook!”
pps. I’m going to make my donation.