Stolen Homemade Board Jax Beach, Fl

Hey all from Jax Beach,

Ive just started making boards, about 7 of them under my belt so far, and one of them got stolen today from the poles. It is the only STRATA surfboard ever made.  Unique shape, 5’6" with a standard short board nose, then super wide about 19" tail. Has a STRATA logo on the top with a big chess piece, and on the Bottom has Strata and Ecliptic Visuals logos on the nose. Quad fin, but the “standard” boxes are a little messed up making it even easier to spot. This board meant a lot as it was the first board high quality board I made that rode better than any other board ive had.

If anyone sees it, Let me know,





sorry to that..will keep eyes peeled...

i had two boards snatched in march..from

the guana parking lot...definitely

send your info to surf station...


file a police report.  If it shows up at a second-hand sporting goods store, a pawn slip might hit the police report…


I was surfing a few months back on a board I had bought from a second hand store 6 months prior.  I was approached by a guy who claimed that it was his board and had been stolen from that spot.  I wasnt the thief, and explained that to him and how I had bought it legitimately. I gave him my info and contacted the place I bought it from (I had the receipt), and they said there was nothing they could do because no police report had been filed.  They explained that surfboards, golf clubs, bikes etc require a pawn slip, which is checked against police reports to see if the item is stolen.  Even if the pawn slip hadnt signalled alarms, his police report would have been proper documentation, and they would have gone after the guy that sold it to the shop.

As much as I love the board, I wanted to get it back to its original owner, but he never followed up with me.


File a police report, its worth the time.  You never know when you might see it
