
Finding out the hard way that more than one big name shapers couldn`t pick up their planers unless they were fully SUI- shaping while under the influence. After that I decided to try making my own (sober), and never looked back.

papa’s got a brand new bag

most shapers I know gladly trade foam for smoke . always good karma to stroke the buddha.

cough, cough- ahhh only after, never before-

i need to post a tid bit of serious - i went to visit a shaper friend of mine one day and he was out back puffin the hooch when i pulled up. the usual greeting ensued and finally he was ready to outline some boards- like most in this industry, a router and 1/2 temp is the way to go when outlining many boards at once- he got thru the first 2 boards and racked the 3rd- clamped everything down and began cutting- until he came around the nose curve, hit the corner of his metal shape stand and the router suddenly came to life- there was a loud ca-changgggggg and the router jumped from his hands and fell to the floor. he stood straight up and looked at me in exasperation- holy shit! was his exclamation- we found the router bit embedded in the cement floor of his shape room- it could have hit his leg or ballsack for that matter- thats why; only after- NEVER BEFORE people… be safe and sensible- your appendages will thank you- shaper out-

Better yet, not at all.


tops only?not a bad choice