Stretch get's "Shaper of the Year"

meecrafty had a very valid point …

if you look whos advertizing in most mags these days and youll find sandwich boards are contributing heavily to paying the wages of the publishers …

for some of us seeing the sandwich , eps/epoxy thing going mainstream is a vindicating feeling , guys like greg copped 20 years of being treated like someone regarded as extreme and left of field in regard to design and construction …

yet now what greg was derided for has become mainstream construction technology , even if not everyone has caught on yet ???

what the public gets is always going to be 10 or 15 years behind the times …

in the very town that i developed my stuff , im hearing feedback from crew frothing over surftechs and i just shake my head in disbelief , because the very same tech there now riding , has been under there noses for 15 years and they wrote it off coz it wasnt mainstream , and yet 15 years on ,there riding the lowest common form of the construction they could have been on all those years ago , and custom as well …

so what does that mean …

it means the surf media have to take the safe route that pays the bills , if were seeing it in the surf media its gone mainstream …

a guy like stretch has done the hard yards in comparison to the others who have done no development yet still benifit from branding the technology …

i think surfing magazine have really done the right thing , by recognizing that the technology is indeed becoming mainstream and rather than award honours on only those that brand the tech theyve been forced to recognise those who developed it …

it would be outrageous if a shaper who merely branded a technology would be awarded before the actuall people who did the hard yards and had to put up with the crap that came with being the odd one out …

by not giving recognition to crew like stretch you would seriously erode your credibility as a surf journalist , for not knowing the real story …

the surf media do have a weighty responsability , its good to see that some take it seriously …

but like meecrafty alluded , there is commercial interests to the new technology and the surfmedia also need to recognise who will be helping them pay the bills in the future , so theres a number of realities attached to the tech becoming mainstream …

plus the only way there gonna get on the short list for a custom sandwich is be nice to the few crew who build them …

congrats Stretch , plus Greg for not backing down like so many others have over the years , when the established industry tried to apply the thumbscrews …

dirty harry said " go ahead ,make my day "…

gregs could be " go ahead ,mow my lawn "…

change was never made by those in the mainstream status quo group …

its time to let the sheep mow the lawn …

good stuff …




Yep, I checked out the art page…

I always enjoy seeing a sprayer get some cred. But I will say of the artwork:- Nice, but just a few too many cues taken from Lost’s “Mr Posca” Drew Brophy…


Mainstream certainly is’nt anything to be ashamed of…

When the product can actually match claims.

And with the composites, my conviction that they’re better has come about through my own hard yards to get one in the water.

I’ve seen, I’ve made, I’ve ridden, I’ve even fucken jumped up and down upon!!!

Right now, I would not bat an eyelid if any PU/PE suppliers blacklisted me for all eternity…

There’s always been a handful of mavericks playing their own tune with EPS/Epoxy. They have just always been there, chipping away at the behemoth that is opposition from “Normal” board materials suppliers and their Sticks in the mud customers who live in fear of not being able to understand new stuff…

Ol’ Dick Van Straalen made Plywood EPS sandwich boards in the late 50’s…

have a look at this link -

So, of course it’s not new, just beginning to get the cred it deserves, and the intelligent variations on composite sandwich construction which we can pursue right now are just the tip…

At last I can actually put some of my ideas into practice in the place where it’s all happening…rather than just wishing maybe some big name will notice that I shave a stringer as well as their guys!

And though I know for sure that the magazines will always be hunting for novel new stuff to write fluff about, I will put my balls on the line in the belief that this is not merely the flavour of the month.


Funny you mention blacklisting. There came point in time when I said to the PU blank manufacturer here in the US, “Go ahead, do it, see if that changes anything.” They totally wimped out and never brought it up again. All just bluster and BS.

Stretch deserves it for sure this year but I’m sure Taz and Fletcher has something to do with it.

It shows that just doing your thing but doing it right can get you fame and fortune when the rest of

the world catches up to you.

There’s been some neat four fin stuff that came out of Durban for years that hasn’t gotten them notoriety that Stretch got from Nathan and Anthony blowing it up this year. Chili’s blowing up down south and now iwth Lost and it seems like Simon’s making a come back with Slater too. And what about good ol Earle Petersen/Pederson(?) and his crazy bottom designs and curren’s fish…

But Stretch definitely paid his dues while doing his homework.

kind of like a backyard band that gets “discovered” over night after decades of hard work the recognition is almost not enough compensation for the pain suffered.

When the world catches up to you as well Greg I’m sure the feeling will be as melancholy. Imagine that in 2010 it’ll be Greg Loehr and Bert Burger, designers of the decade… Wonder if it’ll be worth it then…

just got the mag…epic issue!

Stoked to read Greg and Berts comments in mass media print.

The overall sense i got is there’s a lot of advancement going on that until recently, has gotten very little media attention.

Like this guy Strecth is been dickin around with epoxy for decades?!

and why shouldnt AI ride a 10,000 board?

very interesting read indeed…kind of glad im a teenee-tiny part of the ‘revolution’…at the beach the other day some guy looks at my board and says “where’s the stringer”…a little conversation ensued, he held my board and couldnt believe how light it was…i told him the deck is hell strong too…he’s like “where can i get one of these”…i told him to look up Greg’s shop up north…so weird most guys are still riding merrick poopees…i guess better marketing wins

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went saw registered

read a little

quite nice and clean

a real nice set of photos

in the slide show

intrigued for a few moments.

then I came back to sway’slock’s


whaddya gonna do?

home is comfortable

when yer not shopping