Stretch get's "Shaper of the Year"

How the HELL did someone who actually knows something about composite engineering win this honor? How did this happen when the guy doesn’t even have a clothing line, a mighty retail establishment or a marketing department? How did someone who simply makes great cutting edge product break through in this day and age without a stable of over paid, big name, know nothing, pro surfers? Who had the audacity to make a pick like this when the guy has NEVER EVEN ADVERTISED??? How on earth could this have happened?

Maybe there’s hope for the sport after all.

Nathan fletcher

Anthony Tashnick

William Reidel is cool, perservered tru a cracked vertebrae, lost mostly the use of one arm, still making some of the best boards.

I’ve ordered over 30 boards from him while working for a windsurfing shop (for the shop, of course), and even thos my allegiance lies with Haut, I had to give him some business in the mid '80’s when he was struggling to re-establish himself.

Congrats, for the little guy…

How? from my reply to your post in the ripped off thread:

In the Olympics of marketing the gold medal goes to the marketer who knows exactly what his customers need and sells it at the price they are willing to pay. Because his product fits their needs perfectly, his customers tell others about his product - he doesn’t have to spend a cent on advertising - maximum number of customers for zero marketing spend. That is perfect marketing.

Greg, I hope he’s using your resin these days!

With Stretch & Geoff (George ) in the mix…Santa Cruz is finally becoming a center for hand shaped EPS / hand laid epoxy.

Bob Miller even moved in with a friend of mine on 36th & has rented himself a little shaping bay.

It ain’t all about the machine, my friends.


new article on Surfline about a couple crews towing in at an oregon reef a couple days ago credits one of the tow boards to stretch

wow, thats sick…last year shaper of the year was Al Merrick right? I guess the tides are finally turning. Merick is going with the offshore production yet guys like Stretch are still making a living and a name for himself through innovation…hope is not lost…


He is using RR epoxy and will sell you the gallon kit. Your latest longboard turned out beautiful. Hope it rides like it looks. Nice long interval swell due Fri.



How the HELL did someone who actually knows something about composite engineering win this honor? How did this happen when the guy doesn’t even have a clothing line, a mighty retail establishment or a marketing department? How did someone who simply makes great cutting edge product break through in this day and age without a stable of over paid, big name, know nothing, pro surfers? Who had the audacity to make a pick like this when the guy has NEVER EVEN ADVERTISED??? How on earth could this have happened?

Maybe there’s hope for the sport after all.

Well said. I agree.


Where can I read about Stretch?

( The Magazines generally sell wrapped in plastic here these days, and I REFUSE to spend money on them!!!)


Here’s his website:

I’ve never heard of him (which would be more an indication of my ignorance than a lack of reputation) - the Ultimate range look like compsands is that right?

Hey yeah got it,

I saw something about the four fin, apparrently some guys are swearing by them at Mavericks!

I sort of like this model from the Stretch lineup:

Speedneedle, I hope you checked out

Fiberglass Santa Cruz also sells RR.

Man Benny, you just got latte all over my monitor.


I sort of like this model from the Stretch lineup:…y/photos/it_erin.jpg

Speedneedle, I hope you checked out

Fiberglass Santa Cruz also sells RR.

…i’d ride that

greg, here’s a twist…follow the money

seems like there’s lots of coin riding on sandwich tech these days…rusty, others, Slater’s name etc etc…who’s advertizing more in the mags now? (dont know i dont read them)

smart money might be on new tech and the award pushes it to the forefront…smart money wins.


Talk about myths,shaper of the year…whata bunch of bullshit!!!


…is she doing THIS , in that photo ??

as in … "d’oh !! I can’t BELIEVE they didn’t give ME "shape of the year " ???

Gotta go with chippy’s nomination here… my what a shape!

Actually I think Stretch was chosen because Evan Slater is a very knowlegable editor. We’ve had years and years of “men without balls” heading up the variety of poofty surf media. This is yet ANOTHER Slater who is the real thing. This guy is a surfer first. Just my opinion though.