stringer is broken

if a stringer is broken a board is toast, right?

where’s it broke? … all the way through? …how’s the foam look? …etc.

it can be fixed and still ride as well as it did before. if its worth the work or $ to pay someone else to fix it for you, it doesnt have to be a goner. however, usually its easier (and way more fun) to make a new one! there is a good thread below on how to fix a broken board…

far from it. The question is, is the board itself tweaked, bent, twisted or whatever. I’ve fixed several boards with busted stringers very successfully. doc…

It is a 7’2" with a gnarly buckle on the underside glass that extends from rail to rail at about 2/3rds up from the tail.

ok, now, straightening that out and sanding it flat so you can glass over it, that’s the tough part. This is where a nice, heavy disc sander is good if you know how to use one. If you’re not comfortable and experienced with one, you can do a lot of collateral damage in the flick of an eye so go with a lighter sander instead. Use new discs, as otherwise heat builds up and it gets ugly. Beyond that, no biggie. Cabosil mix in any craters or gashes or cracks. Glass a wide-ish strip or better yet a narrow strip with a wide one over it across the bottom and up onto the deck,feather-sand the edges, hotcoat, sand, gloss and you’re usually done. doc…


de nada, man. For what it’s worth, I have found that those nylon straps you find in surf shops and such, as you’d use for attaching the board to roof racks - those work well for getting the tweak out. Put the board bottom up on your repair stand ( a picnic table bench will also work fine) , place a block of wood at least as wide as the board under it at the buckle, strap down the tail behind the buckle and gradually and carefully increase the tension on another strap forward of the buckle until you have the rocker back to where it should be. Woodworkers band clamps ( see ) work well for this too and give you a little better control. Be sure to leave enough room with your straps so that you won’t be getting resin on 'em, as that can get kinda nasty - especially if the clamping straps dissolve in resin. Let your band(s) of glass harden thoroughly before you take the tension off the straps, as otherwise it’ll go back to the tweaked shape. Have fun. doc…