Has anyone out there ordered stringer materials over the web. I’m looking for red cedar, basswood. or spruce. 1/4 or 3/8 X 6 inch wide pieces 10 foot long. Anyone done it? Any good places to start looking? Is shipping a problem? Thanks,HB
You may have difficulty finding 1/4"x6"x10’,plus the cost of the wood and transportation could be expensive. Why not just buy planks locally and resaw on a band saw. If no band saw you could have the local lumber yard do the cuts.
HB- Not sure where you are (GA?) but here is a link to a good source for woods and milling services, and they will ship.(http://www.paxton-woodsource.com/) You’ll pay by by the bdft.(1x12x12) plus milling and freight. Someone else suggested going local and you will come out ahead. Find material want in 10’ lengths, resaw on a bandsaw for thickness then have it planed. Lots of furniture, flooring and cabinet shops are setup to do this. For example, was looking locally for red cedar in a building supply. #2, 1x6x10 was $10.-12. approx. That could be resawn into 3 pieces of stock then planed. Used to be able to get red cedar bender board that would work for stringers but haven’t seen any in my area in years. Good luck. Tom S.
Harry try Clark Foam of Florida.They told me they would be glad to send me stringer blanks…you have to cut you own rocker though.It was pretty cheap as I recall.Jim Phillips could help you on this if he’s watching. R.B.
Clark Foam will sell you any stringer material you want in cedar, bass, spruce or balsa. They have a very efficient mill. Sluggo