Stringerless EPS With Carbon Rails

Hey Everyone, fist time on this site.

Just getting in to shaping, and ive done about a dozen PU boards. The last few have come out and ridden pretty good.

I was wondering if anyone has done a EPS board with carbon parabolic rails. I know Shapers Aus sells the foam and carbon fiber tape.

Is the much difference shaping EPS  and PU ?

Would i need a vent plug? like on firewires.

Any additional info would be most appreciated.


yes, many have been done.  If you search for “EPS with Carbon Rails,” you’ll get somewhere on the order of 308 hits from this site.  Happy reading.

no vent plug.....plenty people do them, go ahead and try one... I have done a few and am currently trying the carbon in a few different ways to get the flex feeling right......



also some info on a thread called ' playing around with flex in tail '   but there is plenty of carbon info on these forums...the boys at shapers are good to deal with.....

oops, didn't realize this was a double thread...

the search box at the top right should answer all your questions. all that stuff has been discussed ad nauseaum (spelling?) except for putting the carbon on the rail. add "shwuz" to your searches for that. he did some really good looking carbon railed boards and gave some good advice on how to get it done.