Stupid sander question

I just ordered a 7" sander and now I’m wondering what size power pad I should get: 6" or 8". I’m guessing the 8" but does anybody say otherwise?

Get 8" pads for your 7" disc, unless you want to grind down your disc to a small size, shredding it in the process.

Yeah, go with the 8", prolly a 5/8" x 11 thread on the spindle, if I remember right - better control with the larger sander.

Use low speeds, by the way, while you’re getting the feel for it. Great tools, once you get the hang of 'em.

hope that’s of use


Thanks for your reply’s, they helped alot. Now, I know there is a post somewhere about making your own pads as opposed to buying power pads. Can anybody point me in the right direction or give me some advice on making my own?

You could “pm” me about making one if you want. My first advice is - incase you don’t already know - kind of like what Doc said; hit the trigger, then let it off, then sand/grind, then repeat - it’ll keep ya from over doing it, as more pressure will suck the speed away before you do too much damage.

im due for a whole new set of pads …

i normally make about 5 or 6 at a time , so when i do i will takes a series of pics and post a new thread on how to make your own pads …

seriously i can make $200 bucks worth of sanding pads in 1 1/2 hours and maybe 10 bucks worth of stuff …

years back when i had some serious production , and you had a new guy learning to sand , and he hits the fins and chews a 40 dollar pad in minutes , you start looking at cheaper ways …

i remember having some stupid amount of boards to do once , that had to be out by 8 am the next morning , so i lined up 5 of us for an all nighter to polish all these boards …

me on 320 , then a grom on wet n dry rails and fins , a guy on 600 , a guy on 1200 and then a guy polishing …

we had 17 boards to get through in 1 night …

brought 3 brand new buff pads just in case …

the guy polishing chewed all three on the first board and the shops were already shut …

it was then that i learnt you could contact cement sections of beach towel to a back up pad and it worked fine as a buff , and the fabric held up way better against fins …

so youd be surprised what actually works and does the job and is 1/10th of the price …



This would be helpful!. I’ve read the posts about how to make your own pads, but I couldn’t figure out what type of foam to use so I ended up buying a couple Ferro pads for $35. I prefer to make my own stuff.

Please post how to make your own pads. That would be very helpful. I appreciate your help. Thank you.