Styrene kicking UV resin.....something strange happened tonight

So I was setting some fins tonight and I was using UV lam resin because its what I had laying around. I wanted to thin it out so it would fill all plugs and pour easier so I added a little styrene to thin it. Well, after adding my resin it became sludge and kinda kicked immediately with no catalyst and no UV source. Any idea why or how this would happen?

First its a dumb idea to thin resin with styrene for filling around fins because as the styrene evaporates the resin shrinks, and that is why.  Anyways, as your resin ages it starts to crosslink on its own.  What you probably did was confuse MEKP with styrene, and as much as you swear you didn’t I don’t believe you.  Hurry up= F up.

try it agian and see if the same thing happens when you add styrene…you might have added MEKP accidentally. Fumes make me forgetful too. At least you didn’t add catalyst twice, thinking that you only did it once, and have stuff start smoking 

Good points astevens, and if anyone does this stuff long enough they will probably makes a few mistakes along the way.

oh yeah and give the stuff labeled styrene

a little sniff and then do the same to

stuff labled  catalyst.

do not leave out  the mix up 

being further up the chain of supply.

dont get you nose too close

or take too big a whif

not to take the fun out of it 

but getting thiss stuff smeared

on the end of yer nose

is a classic mistake akin

to not tying your board on the racks…


So I mixed it twice and it was definitely something with the styrene.  I can't figure it out.   Ohh well, I won't be doing that again anyways.   Plugs came out great though.    This batch of resin is also weird because it stinks alot worse than others; the smell is so potent. 

Ambrose sums it up correctly as a “classic mistake”.  I think the often greenies give themselves too much credit thinking themselves immune to making them; still I find it hilarious to see their finished products which by many people’s standards are mistakes.  We all make mistakes, but with surfboards you can still ride them- and if your good; you can convince others that its the greatest board ever.


if you leave styrene in metal cans,,, in time,,,it will go rock hard.

before it goes hard.......... it will gell(this could have been your problem).

but............if you put it in a plastic bottle it stays liquid.


ok lets think about uv installed wher the sun dont shine…

plug holes…?Will it go off?


day by day

we are becoming

more and more 

perfected. to think

once we were pure

matter .