SUN CURE EPOXY : laminating ?

I was wondering if there is any sun cure type epoxy for laminating glass and hot coat… etc for use w/  eps foam… i currently us resin research epoxy resin but it takes hours to kick up so job duration is dragged out…would love to use a sun kick type resin… really would speed up the process…


If you are using RR;  You should be using Kwick-Kick RR.  Make sure your are glassing in a 70 degree plus room.  Set up some UV lights or  heat lamps so that you do a post lam cure.  All of the above will move it along.  I think there is a UV Epoxy, but don’t remember the name.  Guys that have used it haven’t been that happy with it,  Search the archives.

i have done several boards w/ RR resin and have noticed the temp makes huge differnence… good idea on heat lamps/UV… my garage is cool this time of year so its taking hours to like 3-4 hours to get hard… 

The resins sold as UV-epoxy are never real epoxies. They are EPS/epoxy compatible at max.


i have done several boards w/ RR resin and have noticed the temp makes huge differnence.... good idea on heat lamps/UV.... my garage is cool this time of year so its taking hours to like 3-4 hours to get hard.... 


wow.... 3-4 hours to get hard. bummer.

Epoxy resin and polyester resin work best in temps above 70* F....including products that cure in the sun. Work on the room temp...can't help you with the other problem.........Stingray.

yeah it is taking me forever to complete a board … im going to have to set up some kind of heater or something next time… took me most of the day sunday just to get the hot coat on, not including sanding which i had to wait till next day to do…