Sunova Longboards


Sunova has been bombing it lately…we have a selection of longboards coming through as stock. Double layer Veneer deck skins or Corecell. Three outlines in 9’6 and 9’2.

The Kruiser, Hangman and Pro Longboard.

Available for international delivery from April 12.

Please email for enquiries.


very nice josh

nice work, lots of work ?!

seems to me like sways is becoming a market place more and more, should not this be posted elsewhere=?


True Wouter…

I could be trashed for making an ad of it. Be merciful gents, I am upfront. I’m just really stoked…indeed lots of work.


well then lets turn the thread around… what have you noticed is the difference between veneers and corecell?

Also, you mention double veneers? Whassaaat?

Got a rocker shot?

Frackin nice looking sticks though…

im interested in the veneer thing too

if you see my post on the board i made in a day… im thinking of maybe skinning that with veneer

do you put glass between the two veneers as well as inside and out?

loving your work by the way, if i had the cash id definatly buy one of yours. saw a guy out at inch in ireland last summer on one of yours, he said he lived in your neck of the woods for about 12 yrs but went back to ireland a few years ago… looked awesome!

Nice work !

I’ve always admired your craft.



Good call Dave. The double veneer decks are balsa under teak/mahogany/maple.

Veneer alone does’nt have the bulk to make an adequate sandwich on a 1lb core. The difference between corecell and this double veneer is difficulty in shaping down the rail/deck join…Oh, and preparation time! And yes, a layer of glass between. The result is so strong I intend to try a personal shortboard with just one layer 2oz outer glass deck. With that I could speak of the ride difference over corecell.


josh good stuff

whats the weight of those boards


I’ll be getting back to you with that Huie…have to get a scales other than the resin one.

But not a fraction of the weight of a “Real” trad wood longboard, of course!!!


Great work Josh. inspiring as always.
I'm glad you posted some pic, from what I hear you don't need Ads, those boards still sell themselfs. Whats the waiting list fo a board like these days?

with all due respect as much as Josh and Bert have given away here I think they deserve a hall pass.

What is the model pictured here Josh?

Love the outline, it’s almost veering into longboard/gun territory with that pulled nose and tail.

Are you guys making stock or custom shorties as well yet?


Hey Steve,

The pictured board is the Kruiser…Its a more Trad. outline. There is to be the Long gun later also. The Hangman has nose area for hanging ten and the Pro, well…I can post pics of JR later.

Yes, shortboards, stock and custom. As some readers already know, the wait time is loooooong and customs…llllllloooooooooooonger!!!


Yes, shortboards, stock and custom. As some readers already know, the wait time is loooooong and customs...llllllloooooooooooonger!!!
As long as the final product is worth the wait ...

Going to have a look at some shortboards tomorrow maybe, not mine though. They’ll be hard to put back down.

Glass between the wood layers looks like a good thing:

I made up a few test panels of veneer and balsa not long ago, variations on double 4 oz with walnut veneer and 1/8" balsa. Then I destroyed them using a carriage bolt mounted to a drill stand as a probe. Glass-veneer-glass-balsa-glass and glass-glass-veneer-balsa-glass held up to dents (~1" round head of the bolt) and punctures (1/4" threaded end of the bolt) about the same, but the ones with veneer directly applied to balsa tended to delam much more easily. The balsa-veneer join was fine, but the two layers of glass on top could be peeled off the veneer pretty easily. The ones with a layer of glass between were much tougher - I couldn’t peel the glass away from either side of the veneer, instead the whole stack would just pull up a layer of balsa. I seem to remember someone else posting finding the same thing, but I can’t find the thread. The veneer bits were all prepped the same way: scuffed with 100 grit and then wiped with DNA.

As to strength: I put the panels on a piece of styrofoam, then put that on a bathroom scale on the drill stand. It took about 240 lbs (me standing on the drill stand and then some) to put a crack in the veneer panels using the head of the bolt as a probe, vs about 150 lbs for just double 4 over balsa. The threaded end of the bolt would punch through the veneer and glass with about 85 lbs of pressure, vs 50 to 75 lbs for double 4 over balsa. All of the samples would recover from minor dents, coming back to level after a few minutes.

Weight of a roughly 3" x 4" panel, with a total of three layers of 4 oz, 1/8" balsa, and a very thin fill coat:

paper backed walnut veneer (leveneer) 12.5 g

plain walnut veneer from Rockler 11 g

no veneer: 9 g

Heavy, stiff, and completely out of place on a thread about boards as advanced as the Sunovas, but it’s the deck patch on my first board anyway. Next board may get the the 2oz-veneer-2oz-1/16" balsa-2oz version.

ben put his head through 6 oz over 3mm pvc 2 under

hair was imbeded in the cracl

Hey speed I saw some pics on realsurf of a sunova shortboard I think it was the boosta model.The quality on that thing looked amazing.I did notice that it had some kind of different colored veneer around the fins do all the boards come with that feature.


I put some cracks in a Pu/Pe board that way. No hair loss, but my ear looked pretty funny at the work Xmas party that night.

note to self:

make the deck softer than my head.

you can make em strong but not doofus proof

he tied to fix it with poly

brand new board with a 4 wide inch hole right through the core

and 100 grams of poly stuck to the other skin