Sunset at Sunset

One evenings sunset at Sunset Point

Greg, Sunsets like that are truly heaven with angels looking over you, thanks for sharing those pics. Aloha, Mahalo, my friend. Larry

Glad to have you back posting on Sways Greg!!

Would have enjoyed seeing you at Del Mar if you

could have taken off to come over…

Here’s mine, Mentawais this summer:

I remember a doc-surf movie on N-geografic channel,

someone said:


that’s exactly what i feel when the session ends in such a beautiful sunset.

Don’t know why I’m not posting the pic,

here it is I hope…

I remember alot of days ending like this. Days like this is when you become one with Mother Natural and life is great. Mahalo,Larry

Howzit sunsetpoint, Just gotta love our Hawaii sunsets.Aloha,Kokua

Beautiful shots Greg!

Here is a pic from one of the better sessions this summer at the wall in Hampton NH.


Love the pics! I don’t believe you ever take a bad picture. Hope everything is going well with you.

Here are some more.


I wish for you…all my best, Brother…H

Tried for bigger pic. Had to shrink it to this size. Sorry.

john brewer


Love the pic’s and still lovin’ the fish you shaped me.


Hey Greg–earlier this year I was at Sunset Point and this COOL dog was hanging out. Looked like a local. Do you recognize?

John Brewer

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful place. Thank you. Makes you just stand in awe.

“Ke hoakaka mai nei na lani i ka nani o ke Akua!” (The heavens declare the glory of the Lord)
