SUP By Barnfield


Thought you guys might like to see Dennis’s new board!

Awesome Bill!! I’ve noticed quality shapers like yourself have started building SUP boards because so many people want them. Eventually the right person who’s a friend or someone willing to pay the right price will come along and off you go mowing out a big board that will create some major stoke… Bill, I don’t think many people are aware that you not only know how to build great shortboards and guns but you know how to make extra large boards very well too… The awesome lifeguard boards are a perfect example…

Now with so many outlets for blanks whether it be EPS or PU at fairly affordable prices shapers can really explore the possibilities. I’m not sure if you’re gonna get really into making them but I’m just stoked because that guy looks stoked and he will be when he uses it…

Aloha, Blane

Bill, I reckon those slots are to help carry such a wide board under your arm. how did you determine their exact placement? By carrying the shaped blank under your arm before glassing, thus feeling the balance point? Also, more detailed measurements would be great, if you don’t mind, of course. (I’m into building a few SUPs myself).

Sweet, what is it made from EPS or PU?

Awesome Bill!!

Thanks Blane!

I’ve noticed quality shapers like yourself have started building SUP boards because so many people want them.

Yup, definately a big fad for the moment, it will be interesting to see if it lasts. Dennis (guy in the photo) ordered this board 19 months ago! So he was a little ahead of the rush.

Eventually the right person who’s a friend or someone willing to pay the right price will come along and off you go mowing out a big board that will create some major stoke… Bill, I don’t think many people are aware that you not only know how to build great shortboards and guns but you know how to make extra large boards very well too… The awesome lifeguard boards are a perfect example…

Thanks again. I guess everyone will realize soon what a big project these big boards are. Especially in production! Not so bad to do just one but trying to do 20 at a time is nearly a deal breaker! Not for the faint of heart.

Now with so many outlets for blanks whether it be EPS or PU at fairly affordable prices shapers can really explore the possibilities. I’m not sure if you’re gonna get really into making them

I don’t know either… I just make what people ask me to.

but I’m just stoked because that guy looks stoked and he will be when he uses it…

Aloha, Blane

Bill, I reckon those slots are to help carry such a wide board under your arm.

Yes Balsa they are handles. The board was about 33 pounds and easy to carry under the arm with handles.

how did you determine their exact placement? By carrying the shaped blank under your arm before glassing, thus feeling the balance point?

Kind of. Except I place them at the balance point of the finished board. The are installed after the hotcoat and before Sanding.

Also, more detailed measurements would be great, if you don’t mind, of course. (I’m into building a few SUPs myself).

I hate to tell you… but I forgot to write down the measurements! So I don’t know the details of that one for sure. I will have to get it back and measure it! But this wasn’t just SUP it was for Surfing, paddling, fishing, and taking the family out on. Just an all around play board.

Sweet, what is it made from EPS or PU?

It is made from a Clark 12’8" PU. Pigmented Polyurethane resin and fiberglass.


good looking board, I did a similar one out of the Clark 12’ 8". Can you tell me what bottom contours you used. I used a fair amount of convex roll in the bottom and it turned out fairly unstable when paddling.

Aloha Paul

The rocker I have always used in the 12’8" blank is a custom rocker. It was never made public. I created it a long time ago before the 12’8" existed. The stock blank has a traditional longboard rocker that was flat in the nose, bent in the center with a bit of kick in the tail.

My custom rocker is more similar to a contemporary gun rocker then a longboard rocker.

The bottom contour has a medium amount of convex roll in the forward third blending toward flatish vee that begins just back of center and carries out through the tail but lessening behind the fin.

Hope that helps!


Thanks very much for the quick response. I’m gathering information so that I can build a replacement in the spring. Will probably build an allrounder/super tanker in the 12’ X 30" range as I don’t think I’m ready for the performance shapes that Carve Nalu is doing (much as I like how they look and how they are riding them)


Aloha Paul

Here is another 12’ board.

This one I made for Lincoln.

Something to cruise around with his grand kids on!

This one is 2" narrower than Dennis’s Yellow one and the nose is not as wide either.

Glad I could help.