SUP,The new goatboat?

Hi guy’s,after seein a thread this mornin i felt compelled to ask the question,are these things just a stand up goatboat?Designed purely to catch more waves in overcrowded lineups?What do you think?


How can you compare a highly specialized field such as SUP riding with craft designed to transport livestock. It is clear that SUP’s are finely tuned wave riding tools allowing watermen to push the limits of modern surfing.

I believe the fact that they catch more waves in overcrowded lineups is purely coincidental and is just a byproduct of people getting in touch with their inner waterman or woman.



hey silver, it took a good 20 years to get rid of the goat boats, wait till these guys get their attitude up and occy , luke and guys like that have helped to make it cool,but some how riding an 8ft mal isnt, pretty awesome weapon there weilding, H.

The great Indo ’ ombak kambing '.( wave goat )



I think it’s all in your attitude.

A couple of months back I was with my son at a kids surf contest. It was at probably the most popular spot around here - a real mediocre wave but always crowded for some reason. In the afternoon a guy went out on a SUP right in the middle of an already chaotic line up. He wasn’t particularly competent at it either. It was the last place I would go to learn to SUP. There was no good reason for it. There’s heaps of empty coastline around here. The one wave I saw him catch was a close out -plowing that big board right through the middle of a pack of novice surfers. Just had to scratch my head about that one.

If you were even marginally discreet around here you could stand up paddle, goat boat, jet ski naked 365 days a year and no one would have a clue. I’m stoked for people to ride waves how ever they want so long as they don’t blow it for everybody else.

Either they are enormous fun or a marketing coup. I checked the surf out recently and there were stacks of them out - some guys use common sense and catch the wide ones and stay out of people’s way and other guys are just wave hogs/hazards.

In terms of the goat boat comparison, it did raise a small grin on my face when I saw a guy who had been monopolizing the sets try to get through a sneaker set to see his SUP get ripped out of his hands and washed all the way in. Never saw him again. It brought back memories of the same chuckle years ago when I saw a goat boat getting pitched backward with the lip on a 6’ set. Karma.

I agree it is an attitude thing - respect others and have fun in the waves whatever you are riding.


A nice selection of opinion guy’s,i think mooneemick got it right tho,"ombak gambing"or wave goat,probly the most apt description.Harry,doesn’t matter if luke n the boy’s make it cool,it is wot it is?Wot it is?

The fact that they,

these specialized pieces of equiptment and their riders,

catch more waves in an overcrowded crowded line u-up

is no coincidence.

The only coincidence is the fact that

the short sighted implementation

of these rushed designs

mass produced by entreprenuers

in quest of a market share

are out in the crowd with the mob.

The real Yes REAL honesty of the quest to come into touch

with the inner waterman or woman is stifled by these crowded singularities.

the truth is, riding amongst the rabble is nither ethical or honestly aimed at the pursuit of the highest ideal.

The mass produced sup [and rushed prolliferation of same] custom and not has allowed

the oppertunity to have the greediest and not so greedy to access this medium.

Has pandora’s box been opened?I believe so.

The horrors unleashed can and will beget a whole series of events not here to fore unseen when

equiptment and riders clash over A LIMITED RESOURCE,


rideable waves are lmited,this is a fact.

Because of this when long board riders HOG waves

shortboarders get upset

for that matter when short boarders HOG waves

paipo boarders get upset

When Paipo boarders

Hog waves Bodysurfers get up set.

When surfers go out in a calm dawn

and scare the fish away

fishermen get upset.

common Courtesy says clearly

to a man or woman of concience

if a fisherman is fishing

dont paddle out and scare the fish away

when the body surfers are out

let em have a turn

surf the peak down the beach

or if you paddle out does this indicate a lack of

consideration and or perhaps self serving greed-lust for waves.

When a friend greets a friend and wishes to truly share waves

how many each,is a fair split?

at what point do we identify over active wave lust?

Is the ethic ‘the man-woman who catches the most waves the best surfer’

a failed hypothisis…

I venture the answer when only one pathological archtype is having fun.

God bless the greedy they will iherit the angst and Ire that is the harvest

of the seeds of derision sown in avarice greed and lust

with little thought for any but them selves.

as to the conceptual potential of the alternative surfcraft

It is truly an unlimited venue and it is likely to be stiffled by

insisting on using beach boy style boards


so many unsurfed waves

why rush the trestle








I submit in some cases

it is only to hog waves.

The learning curve

naturally wastes a few waves

are these waves better ridden

by a more competent rider of a smaller board?

or even perhaps someone with no board at all?

or maybe let a fisherman catch a fish to feed ten people.

You decide,your decision may seperate you from

your lessers and others.


I vote for the well ridden wave

by a surfer of competence.

the fact that the guy dropped in on me and fell off

and I dodged his flailing sup stretched to chord length

didnt stop me from getting a hundred yard ride.

his popout S.U.P. + his weight trained PHysique

did not endear me to his spirit quest.

I was riding my mat

I had three hand made stand up boards on my car.

the waves were best for the mat in my opinion.

oh yeah I had two other surfboards on the truck.

I designed and constructed them myself.

there were four people out

the "I didnt see you’’ muscle man on the shoulder

did not endear my respect.

But would the result have been any different if muscle man was on a special resin tint “retro” fish, $2000 longboard or a potato chip? I think not.

The problem will in all likelihood exacerbate but the problem always was and always will be the dickhead on the board and not the board itself.

most people around here just use them to paddle between piers when the surf is small.

there’s only one guy I’ve seen at the cove with the nerve to SUP it and he seems pretty

polite about the whole thing.

there’s pretty much no SUPing this beach break swill anywho.

Well said ambrose!!A dickhead will always be a dickhead,no matter wot their craft.Greedy dickheads should be sorted by the “crew” at your local.Yes,SUP,the new “GOATBOAT”.

I’ve been itching to try out the SUP thing once I saw people posting pictures on here. We have a couple who are regularly out at one of the better breaks. But they tend to paddle off to a different peak if things get too crowded. Those are the guys I don’t mind.

The guys I do mind are the ones who almost killed me because they were just learning how to surf and SUP at the same time. I paddled out on a very small day to catch a couple of waves while the weather was still warm. There was a guy other there kneeling on his SUP, not even standing, paddling around while not even holding the T end of the paddle. I may have never SUPed, but I’ve canoed and that’s common knowledge. I wanted to paddle over and ask him how it was, maybe even ask if I could try it out. No use, I think I might have been able to do it better than he could on the first try.

So I just tried to stay out of his way until he tried to take the same wave I did and that 30" wide Surftech came flying towards me. I didn’t even bother to yell, I just paddled away. The guy will hopefully take it back for a return soon.

I think I still want to try one, but only for paddling around on a lake. They don’t appeal to me much for surfing.

thing is mate goat boats were never cool, these things hit the waves running with some of the best making them cool, i’m only going on snapper to greenmount, the most crowded wave in the world, and we needed sups like a sewage works, H.

Actually in California SUPs are outlawed in the surf lineup with other swimmers, surfers etc.

The lifeguards turn a blind eye and your Surfrider memberships get you nothing on this issue.


You’re right about that!!The pro’s might make em look cool,but in the hands of kook’s, a f@#$%n dangerous prospect!!

Goat Boat… Hee hee!

Honestly? you guys are right about the novice SUP people going into the lineups and trying to get waves… #1, it’s dangerous. #2 it’s stupid. There are sooo many spots that are not crowded if you just take the time to look. As far as taking all the waves, that is just a individual dick head thing. If you grab all the waves on a SUP, chances are, you grab all the waves on a longboard etc… Whenever someone comes to us to buy a board they get educated real fast on common sense and just basic courtesy.

Here’s where SUB’s are MEANT to be used…

Paddle for fitness or to train for surfing or other sports.

Surfing out of the way places to score new spots or to allow access to those areas.

Big, remote waves that you can access without a ski.

Crappy days no one wants a part of. (Still super if you SUP)

NOT TO BE USED IN A CROWDED LINEUP!!! ( Unless you are like Ikaika Kalama with Hawaiian blood and geneology that traces back to ancient Hawaii. You surf ANYWHERE in Hawaii on ANYTHING you want. I’ll add he is better than most in those lineups.)

Now, North Shore of Oahu is my house. Nobody will tell me to leave BUT, I still don’t go out to crowded spots because it’s STUPID to do that! I go out to the main breaks early and when the crowd fills in I leave to the next spot and, I GIVE WAVES. Of course, if it’s my turn I’m going.

Here’s where SUP works well…

Places with waves like this that no one is around…

When its smaller like this, we scored. No one out and get all the waves you want…

Ikaika Kalama exercising his RIGHTS at Backdoor.

SUP designed to not be a giant POS log… These boards rip.

9-3 Ripper. Trust me, a “KOOK” cannot even stand on this. This board is meant to surf, not plow lineups.

Unfortunately, we are one of the only companies that preach to our customers manners and common sense…

Did Carve Nalu publish or link to a list of the do’s and don’ts recommended for sup riders? - one of which that I liked was if you aren’t going for a wave, sit your butt down so everyone doesn’t have to look at it or words to that affect (effect?)

“Actually in California SUPs are outlawed in the surf lineup with other swimmers, surfers etc”

Where is this “law” and how is it worded? Maybe they just do not know about it? I had a problem several years ago when a kayaker threatened me with his paddle, took a few attempts but missed , than was chased out by EVERYBODY. I asked the lifeguards about "boats and paddles " being legal in the surf they did not have much of a answerer. Maybe it is a Coast Guard issue?

If this truly is a law and you are having a problem with someone have them enforce it.


“Actually in California SUPs are outlawed in the surf lineup with other swimmers, surfers etc”

Where is this “law” and how is it worded? Maybe they just do not know about it? I had a problem several years ago when a kayaker threatened me with his paddle, took a few attempts but missed , than was chased out by EVERYBODY. I asked the lifeguards about "boats and paddles " being legal in the surf they did not have much of a answerer. Maybe it is a Coast Guard issue?

If this truly is a law and you are having a problem with someone have them enforce it.

See California Harbors and Navigation Code:

In particular:

651.1 As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning, “bather” or “bathing” means a person floating, swimming, wading, or bodysurfing, with or without the use of a flotation device, including, but not limited to, floating upon or with the aid of a surfboard, paddle board, surfmat, innertube, life preserver, or air mattress, except a flotation device which is designed to be propelled by sail, mechanical means, power, oars, or paddle.

655.1 (a) As used in this section, “mechanically propelled vessel” means any vessel actively propelled by machinery, whether or not the machinery is the principal source of propulsion.

655.2 (a) Every owner, operator, or person in command of any vessel propelled by machinery is guilty of a misdemeanor who uses it, or permits it to be used at a speed in excess of five miles per hour in any portion of the following areas not otherwise regulated by local rules and regulations"

(1) Within 100 feet of any person who is engaged in the act of bathing. A person engaged in the sport of water skiing shall not be considered in engaged in the act of bathing for the purposes of this section.

(2) Within 200 feet of any of the following:

  (A) A beach frequented by bathers 

  (B) A swimming float, diving platform, or lifeline. 

  (C) A way or landing float to which boats are made fast or which is being used for the embarkation or discharge of passengers. 

  (b) This section does not apply to vessels engaged in direct law enforcement activities whch are displaying the lights prescribed by Section 652.5. Those vessels are also exempt from any locally imposed speed regulation adopted pursuant to Section 660. 

???.? (aa) “Vessel” includes every description of watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, except either of the following:

(1) A seaplane on the water.

(2) A watercraft specifically designed to operate on a permanently fixed course, the movement of which is restricted to a fixed track or arm to which the watercraft is attached or by which the watercraft is controlled.

???.? (cc) “Waters of this state” means any waters within the territorial limits of this state.

I’m no lawyer, so I can’t advise whether these code sections apply to SUPs or not. My guess–but that’s all that it is–would be that it does. But even assuming that to be the case, I suspect that it might be difficult to get someone to enforce the code.