superchargers (herb)???

Herb can you supercharge a single fin board? Longboard/egg what will it do to the feel of the board? if you can and i can play at making fins again what thickness and height of charger am i looking at? and how do you stick them to the board is it a single plug? thanks

or, can you supercharge the center fin only??

Herb can you supercharge a single fin board? Longboard/egg what will it do > to the feel of the board? if you can and i can play at making fins again > what thickness and height of charger am i looking at? and how do you stick > them to the board is it a single plug?>>> thanks …Sorry guys went surfin’ the last couple days got some okay stuff for a change. …Supercharging a single is a trick in it self.If your center fin is really tall,say over 8" in height you need chargers at least 2-1/2" tall.You need to place them on the outboard sides of the fin about 50/50 to the leading edge…maybe even placing them back in a 40/60 or 30/70 posture would work …better?Also place them about 1"thru 1-1/2" away from the main fin. …I’ve done this with center fins on thruster type set-ups with positive results,but I never have done it with just a single finner.Let us know the out come, if you make one…PROS AND CONS.Herb

thamks herb hope the surf was good! how do you fix them on so you can test different positions? thanks paul

thamks herb hope the surf was good! how do you fix them on so you can test > different positions?>>> thanks paul …I’ve heard hotmelt or suncure? …possibly?Herb

thanks herb will try the glue gun!