Sh#t, I knew these things would come back at me and bite my ass.
Res B , and to those concerned…
They work,and work great !
…I stopped production of all Superchargers due to… time consumption + lack of $$$$$$$$ vs. time molding,finishing,shipping,etc.,And I was charging a forture for a set of tabbies,but the glueons, I kept at or around 10 bucks,because of less production time.
…I sold.geeezzz,…LOTS of sets and given away just about as many as I have sold.I never really planned on making SCs for the public or myself for very long (for that matter),but rather,I was hoping that either a mfg.would come-up w/ some agreement between us or just flat out f*#KING rip me off and mfg/market them, so I could just go and buy them(as long as they were close enough to my specs).Suprizingly …or not,it never came about, so here I am making literally 1000s of sets in crude, prestoric molds using poly/glass and polymer(diaperfiller)…Well,after .what like 3-4 years of making them allmost everyday…I burnt the f*#k out!
…I will have limited runs(but first I got to get my shop in order (after my wife imposed a house/home re-newal).I can barely walk in my shop right now,but frings will prevail( or lots of my wife’s stored junk that she forgot she owned will…what you say …grow wings and fly away).
…Glassons…I wasn’t as happy with these…oh don’t get me wrong they work,and if you never used my tabbed jobs you’d never know the difference between the two types…(if at all for most riders)…but I could.
…I later,after stopping the glueon SC production, realized that because they are glued to the surface of the board that they flexed.This to me… killed some of the enhancing effects of my original single tabbed design.
I am working up a new box/plug so I don’t have to be dependent to/and paying 2-3 bucks a FCS plug.
I use my Superchargers on all my boards w/ side fins…including my biggee wave guns.
They are single foiled,with a 80/20 or 70/30 leading edge…or as the industry calls this fin design, “innerfoiled”(I call it backfoiling) .I soon started backfoiling all my fins and was the first to do so for at least 3 years or so(like that gets me a junior G man badge).Some have a perfectly flat inner(after the backfoil) ,most are slightly cupped,what Future calls this particular design," vortex"…(again I was doing this… like 2-3 years before they start that campain,again junior Gman badge stuff).
I took the final outline/template from a great white’s tooth,after reading info on hydro-flow in,around,and thru this shark’s mouth(gills as well).Of all the data on dynamics on toothed sharks teeth,the great white’s tooth/teeth was the best suited for my design use…the next generation SC, gen 5, well,let’s not give it all away…but a hint …it’s patterned after a tooth from a mammal refered to as the king of the ocean…Ahhhhhh,back to jaws…the gw tooth w/ some slight tweeking was the perfect design for my little drafters,and still to this day remain unchanged in design.
Sizes vary ,one size for glueys 1" x 1" x 3/8" approx.
My main single tabbed SCs are the 3rd gen tipped forward style 1-1/4" tall x 1-1/8" base x 1/4" -3/8" thick.
My smallest tabbed jobs are just under an inch(for longboard side bites) and my largest are 2" x 2" for twinnies or larger thruster types.
My original SC was 1-3/8" tall x 1" base x 1/8" thick…looks like a mini single foiled rake.Several improvements lead to no flex,thick foils,minus rake…I could go on,but I thing you get a better picture…if not ask away.Herb
…now try and make that out of a cola nut!