
…THERE’S 3 of you guys out there still waiting in the mist of all this stuff.Let’s see here…Rich,Ross,D.T…AND M.P.(Mr. Swaylocks)all shouldbe done and sent by this week…whewww.Herb …I will stuff the bags with extra goodies to make it up for you guys,thanks

Against all odds, Herb prevails. Keep at it Herb, You’re good people.

…THERE’S 3 of you guys out there still waiting in the mist of > all this stuff.Let’s see here…Rich,Ross,D.T…AND M.P.(Mr. > Swaylocks)all shouldbe done and sent by this week…whewww.Herb>>> …I will stuff the bags with extra goodies to make it up for you > guys,thanks Hey Herb, Hang in there buddy. Just get to it when you can. I’m in the same kind of pickle myself. Too much to do! Maybe a 9 day week would work. Hope you find a place where you can shape that’s convienent. Mahalo, Rich

Hey Herb,>>> Hang in there buddy. Just get to it when you can. I’m in the same kind of > pickle myself. Too much to do! Maybe a 9 day week would work. I’m all for a 36 hour day. 8 hours for work, 12 ours for sleep, the rest for play. Now, where is that rocket diagram? regards, Håvard