Support your local shaper

I’m just another small time shaper who is trying to make a living at surfing and shaping. I have been at it on and off for about 30 years. I’m still living hand to mouth. Building 12 or so boards a month and doing the ding thing and glass jobs for the extra cash. My question is who will survive. The big guys with there computer shaping machines or will the small solo act be the true survivor… Will “Pop Outs” ever really be a standard?? Can machines and money replace the shaper??? Will Pop out’s from over sea’s ruin our craft… It’s funny when people ask me about Brand X Pop out tech boards from China. What they hear isn’t what they want to hear. I have to look at them in the eye and say only one thing. I won’t work for rice… Support your local shaper. Long live the underground… Rob

I’m just another small time shaper who is trying to make a living at > surfing and shaping. I have been at it on and off for about 30 years. I’m > still living hand to mouth. Building 12 or so boards a month and doing the > ding thing and glass jobs for the extra cash.>>> My question is who will survive. The big guys with there computer shaping > machines or will the small solo act be the true survivor…>>> Will “Pop Outs” ever really be a standard??>>> Can machines and money replace the shaper???>>> Will Pop out’s from over sea’s ruin our craft…>>> It’s funny when people ask me about Brand X Pop out tech boards from > China. What they hear isn’t what they want to hear. I have to look at them > in the eye and say only one thing. I won’t work for rice…>>> Support your local shaper. Long live the underground…>>> Rob – As long as quality, integrity, and personal attention to detail are important to the average surfer, true customs will always have the performance edge. To the craftsman whos able to remain focused and survive... hard work, long hours, a modest income and a high level of expertise, are the likely rewards. Its not the pathway to quick riches, but then… thats not even the point. Its virtually impossible for out-of-area, high volume builders to consistently surpass a surfcraft which has been thoughtfully designed, built and tuned by skilled local artisans who understand the factors necessary in satisfying a specific area`s individual surfers and waves. Yes, support your local shapers, and long live the underground!!! Great to see you writing in Swaylocks, Rob!

Why is that those of us who question the power stucture of the ‘industry’, are those who are furthest geograpically removed from that structure??? Is there a connection to fresh creativity and the distance from the masses??? Paul http://

Why is that those of us who question the power stucture of the ‘industry’, > are those who are furthest geograpically removed from that structure???>>> Is there a connection to fresh creativity and the distance from the > masses???>>> Paul – Clean air. Clean water. Way fewer humans. Open, free beaches. Lots more waves. Go figure.

–>>> Clean air. Clean water. Way fewer humans. Open, free beaches. Lots more > waves. Go figure. cold air. freezing water. redneck wetsuit monkey boys. shitforbrains shorebreak. more of the same. golly, that`s really progressive!!!

cold air. freezing water. redneck wetsuit monkey boys. shitforbrains > shorebreak. more of the same. golly, that`s really > progressive!!! Jungle Boy just read what you said??? That’s real Progressive!! Please i think your lost but if you pull your head out you may find your way. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.–Buddha Rob

cold air. freezing water. You got that wrong. It’s the other way around. regards, Håvard

Jungle Boy just read what you said??? That’s real Progressive!!>>> Please i think your lost but if you pull your head out you may find your > way.>>> Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of > throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.–Buddha>>> Rob He don`t know nothin. Buddha is dead. Jesus lives!

You got that wrong. It’s the other way around.>>> regards,>>> Håvard I’m not feeling too good myself.

He don`t know nothin. Buddha is dead. Jesus lives! Once again an insightful message is is lost due to ones insecurity for ones religion. Budda never claimed to be anything but enlightened; not a prophet, not a holy spirit, and certainly not the son of God - so I don’t see why you insist on comparing the two. Regardless of who it came from, I think we can all see the wisdom in the simple maxim. I’m reminded of a church in Tibet with two doors, one for Buddists, the other for Hindu; now that’s security and belief in ones religion. You must be one of the people I see around with the “Jesus is alive and Fish don’t walk” bumperstickers. Last time I checked it was believed that Jesus died for our sins and I know of at least three types of walking fish.

Once again an insightful message is is lost due to ones insecurity for > ones religion. Budda never claimed to be anything but enlightened; not a > prophet, not a holy spirit, and certainly not the son of God - so I don’t > see why you insist on comparing the two. Regardless of who it came from, I > think we can all see the wisdom in the simple maxim. I’m reminded of a > church in Tibet with two doors, one for Buddists, the other for Hindu; now > that’s security and belief in ones religion.>>> You must be one of the people I see around with the “Jesus is alive > and Fish don’t walk” bumperstickers. Last time I checked it was > believed that Jesus died for our sins and I know of at least three types > of walking fish. I say a little prayer every time I mix up a bunch of colors for an “acid splash” glass job.And the Surf God answered…“Though shalt not maketh thy board looketh like mud from the Nile River.”

–>>> As long as quality, integrity, and personal attention to detail are > important to the average surfer, true customs will always have the > performance edge. To the craftsman whos able to remain focused and > survive... hard work, long hours, a modest income and a high level of > expertise, are the likely rewards. Its not the pathway to quick riches, > but then… thats not even the point.>>> Its virtually impossible for out-of-area, high volume builders to > consistently surpass a surfcraft which has been thoughtfully designed, > built and tuned by skilled local artisans who understand the factors > necessary in satisfying a specific area`s individual surfers and waves. > Yes, support your local shapers, and long live the underground!!! Great to > see you writing in Swaylocks, Rob! Rob, it’s pretty tough to make a living building surfboards. For the commited few who have been around for the long haul, they have all paid there dues in blood, sweat & tears. I think for the local guys who want to make a living, you need to look at alterenatives for making money. A few issues back in the Surfers Journal there is an artical on Renyolds Yater He fished for a living & made boards the way he wanted. He did OK don’t you think?? Making the best quality boards possable is wear it’s at. Convincing people to try them & buy them, is the real challange.

Rob, it’s pretty tough to make a living building surfboards. For the > commited few who have been around for the long haul, they have all paid > there dues in blood, sweat & tears. I think for the local guys who > want to make a living, you need to look at alterenatives for making money. > A few issues back in the Surfers Journal there is an artical on Renyolds > Yater He fished for a living & made boards the way he wanted. He did > OK don’t you think?? Making the best quality boards possable is wear it’s > at. Convincing people to try them & buy them, is the real challange. Its tough…I make my real living by restoring antique furniture,tucked away in one half of my shop is a little board factory.I do all of the work by myself so I’m lucky to make one per week which is fine because it is a labor of love so to speak.I like doing fancy stuff but I never really get paid for it.Beware of board building,once you get to a certain level its more addicting than dope.

Its tough…I make my real living by restoring antique furniture,tucked > away in one half of my shop is a little board factory.I do all of the work > by myself so I’m lucky to make one per week which is fine because it is a > labor of love so to speak.I like doing fancy stuff but I never really get > paid for it.Beware of board building,once you get to a certain level its > more addicting than dope. It’s a shame a few people get off track when we talk about our craft. It’s something to be proud of and tought to others to be handed down for future generations. I love what i do and have always looked for others to share what i have learned over the years. That’s why i have been posting I found more resin heads!!! Support our Religion Surfing… I mean that in a respectful way… Rob

It’s a shame a few people get off track when we talk about our craft. It’s > something to be proud of and tought to others to be handed down for future > generations.>>> I love what i do and have always looked for others to share what i have > learned over the years. That’s why i have been posting I found more resin > heads!!!>>> Support our Religion Surfing… I mean that in a respectful way…>>> Rob I enjoy your posts .Are you in Washington??My friends from Damascus Productions just moved there and would probably like to meet you…thanks.

Hey Cleanline I am on the lost coast last stop Westport… Big waves and yes cold water ( water temp 52 air 40 with off shores at 10… That’s why i want to get away this January and make a road trip south. Surf and see some old friends. Tell your friends to look me up and stop by my small factory… Love to meet them. Rob

Hey Cleanline I am on the lost coast last stop Westport… Big waves and > yes cold water ( water temp 52 air 40 with off shores at 10… That’s why i > want to get away this January and make a road trip south. Surf and see > some old friends.>>> Tell your friends to look me up and stop by my small factory… Love to > meet them.>>> Rob during the Morey Pope thread I think either you or Paul J. asked the whereabouts of the flex tails original owner.word has it he is alive and well somewhere north of you guys.

Sam George, editor of Surfer Magazine, is convinced that molded pop-outs will replace all surfboards. Tell him what you think on this passionate/informative ongoing thread on the Surfer Mag forum.

Sam George, editor of Surfer Magazine, is convinced that molded pop-outs > will replace all surfboards. Tell him what you think on this > passionate/informative ongoing thread on the Surfer Mag forum.>>> Do you think he rides a popout?If he does its because his white collar bosses told him to.Those mags are nothing but ad rags anymore.I wanna puke every time I see another friggin sponsored boat trip to wherever.The kids are sucking this up and buying non functional boards for the local beach break…oh well this stuff keeps going on but its fun to bitch and whine sometimes.Sorry.

Sam George, editor of Surfer Magazine, is convinced that molded pop-outs > will replace all surfboards. Tell him what you think on this > passionate/informative ongoing thread on the Surfer Mag forum.>>> – I read through that thread and completely agree with you… except, what “obscene pool toy” were you making reference to? Very amusing! “It’s (molded board) like some obscene pool toy in the lineup.”