I’ll have a couple paintings in this show. Hope you all can come.
Good cause. Good luck with it. I would be there if I could be…
Just thought I’d bump this up. I was at the gallery dropping off the paintings today and there was some pretty interesting stuff. A lot of stuff from Jason Baffa, the maker of the film “One California Day.” The gallery owner said there would be food and drink and a live band from 7pm to 11pm. I’m hoping I can meet some LA area Swaylockers. My names’s Jeff and I’ll be there with my wife and four year old daughter Isabel (aka Lillybelle…hence the user ID).
is that top pic one of roy and his whole family sharing the love
We’ll definitely try to make it, Jeff.
I’ve seen your board-art, but do you have any samplers
of your painting you can share here?
am I wrong or isnt tet
THE P a d d l e board cove
of P.V. lineage/
where the skijump meets
the indicator /Where
doc and the gran
hatched many a plan
an where the guard an
the marys an them notables
forged the deft and indelible
well before the loikes of roy an the clan
morphed these waters to fullfill ‘‘theirplan’’
the cove is the cove is the cove
by another name wouldst mecca
west coast be more clearly in profile?
never surfed it
never checked it
I think I know it
by its profile
like john barimore
or alfred hitchcock.
roy an clan was far to the south
lest you was talking bout a diffrent
plaid not royal stewart.
looks like my local
Good eye, Mr Curry!!
Ride on,
thanx I was worried I was losing my grip on reality and I was orbiting a false universe in a parrallel dimension where red plaid was everywhere and the dictitorial fasion was determined by the guy with the bigggest bus but now that tom blake is reinstated as the emperor of the eternal P.V. cove all is right with the world and I will take the shroud off his nude portrait i have hanging in the den next to my brocade smoking jacquet and turn on some devorjak or bartok and eat a poached egg and burnt toast with goat cheese
to contemplate the red sun at dawn…
we are all
in the bush league
tank it george!
Hey Ambrose, Yeah that is PV Cove…but when “Ski Jump is meeting Indicators” you probably don’t want to be out there. That would mean closeouts with 20 foot faces. On smaller days you can totally forget you’re at the edge of one of the biggest urban centers in the USA. I love it there.
Hey Tom, hope you can make it.
Ski Jump