Surf Expo

Any other fellow Swaylockians going?

…Which one? the people that run the L.B. SHOW usually don’t let anyone in unless you got ties.Even the retailers have to cough-up some $$$ just to get in,not to mention the SS like treatment you get at the sign in window,makes you feel relaxed and comfortable,like right after they shoot you in a firing squad line.Herb

Yeah I’m going. I’m driving south because that way I can bring back boards. And I can stay at the beach and surf right out the back yard in less than a 4/3 and then have a casual drive to Orlando. Unfortunately there’s usually not much surf in January. What I really I look forward to is visiting the shapes on Tomahawk Dr. and Allen Hill.

I meant to say the Orlando Surf Expo, happening this weekend (Sat. Sun. & Mon.). I’ll be at the Brewer/Plumeria booth #1981, we’ll have a few boards to sell including a Garrett McNamara Tow Board. Invariably all the big name guys show at the booeth to ceheck out RB’s shapes. See you there.

Where exactly in Orlando is the Surf Expo? Can you get in with just a copy of your business license? Is there a number to call for more info?