Surf Industry Icon Passes

On 2/17/19 Harold Walker “Walker Foam” passed away. Condolences to his family.

I know there were some shapers who loved his foam and I always meant to try it.  Sadly I failed to follow through and then suddenly it was too late.   

Condolences to family, friends and customers

My first contact with Walker Foam, was under the tutilage and guidance of Del Cannon, when he hired me to shape with him at Velzy, in 1960.       I preferred Walker to Clark because the Walker foam became harder and more dense, as you cut into the blank.      I felt that you had a stronger finished surfboard, in the end.       While I only met Harold a few times, he always had time to answer any questions I had.      Impressed me as a genuinly nice guy.        To say that he was an icon, in the industry, is a bit of an understatement.        Not even pioneer covers it all.       Knowing that he is gone, makes the world a lesser place.