Surf Photos (OT)


Hi John - Maybe on another thread you could expand on your photography. Those photos that you have been divying out are excellent.

Keep the Barnfield original. That’s my call

Thanks EP (Eastern Pacific)!

I took most of the pics during the 2 weeks we spend at Sunset Beach. Have been going over there since 1997. Digital technology being what it is; I can wheel down to Pipe; push up to the the top of the stairs by Volcom House, shoot a few hundred pictures, wheel back ‘home’; unload to computer, cull them, then go back for more, or shoot pics from the lawn.

Surfing is so visual. From the first surf mag I picked up in 1964, until the present, I’ve always loved staring at the pictures.

Plus—for me— it’s like Derek (Foamdust) wrote:


“… I really believed him when he told me that when he takes photos of us, he is surfing through us. I think I’d end up doing something like he does, taking photos or video if my ability to surf were taken away from me.”


That’s the way it works for me. Nowadays–with the equipment and the speed with which a guy can see results, it’s easy for anyone to take pictures that would have been in the mags as recently as five, six years ago. And I agree with the statement above regarding surfing through the subjects. It’s true. I see abomb coming in, and get ready to shoot, and I’m totally involved from the beach, through the camera trying to anticipate where the rider will be, and what he might do, so I’m along for the ride vicariously, I guess.

Then there are always the characters…the people who surf. It’s all good.

John Brewer


"guys, does this make my butt look big? …

be honest"

Hi John - Thanks for following through and taking the time to explain some of your situation. I’ve always had a photography interest. My analog equipment hasn’t been used in a long while since I’ve crawled into digital photography. Can you call it digital photography, or image taking? Anyway, I’m enjoying not using the processing chemicals, and love the editing features that you can use on the PC. I’ve been fascinated by your eye w/ the camera as your pictures have been added to most of the input you give here. I really like those shots of the big, feathering walls w/ a committed surfer tucked into the wave. As you say, and you can tell that you are surfing as well. Opportunity is so much apart of what we do. So, thanks for the show, hopefully you can peter in some more here and there. Aloha, ==ep