surf video / old surf film name - help!

hi all

any chance of some help with a couple of surf video / film questions?

When i was a young grom i worked in the local surf shop this would have been in the mid 80’s. the surf video selection was somewhat slim but they did have a copy of one surf film that i watched and watch but i have no idea what the film was called and would love to track down a copy.

so here goes - who can name the film…

mainly north shore (maybe all north shore) the highlights were MR and Shaun dueling in out at what looks like backdoor / off the wall. loads of slow mo water footage. Buttons ripping and eating sand - any ideas?

on a similar note - a few years later i rented a video which i think was a piping hot (wetsuits) video and it included some great footage of Kong driving a white open top sports car and then hitting either burliegh or kirra on a great looking swell - there is a bit where the film shows a photog on the beach shooting who looks away after what looks like a super long barrel has shut down, only for kong to fly out of the end section. i also think it included some “brits” - any ideas of the name?

and lastly the easy one - i have a copy of an old Rip Curl video rubber soul - anyone else have a copy they might want to sell / trade? my copy looks like a copy and plays like it has seen better days…

Oh the joys of trying to relive our youth eh!

On a funny note, i have helping clear my mums attic and found an old box of my stuff including my first pair of qs war paint trucks (crikes there look tight and short), a trim world cup hoody (in aqua blue) and vision street wear t shirt (that still looks ok) - man i must have looked a state!!! ;0)

as ever

keen to learn…


hi all

any chance of some help with a couple of surf video / film questions?

mainly north shore (maybe all north shore) the highlights were MR and Shaun dueling in out at what looks like backdoor / off the wall. loads of slow mo water footage. Buttons ripping and eating sand - any ideas?

Sounds very much like Free Ride. Though the Buttons part doesn’t ring a bell. I bought a VHS copy directly from Bill Delaney a good twenty years ago. I’ve not seen that title for sale anywhere else. It’s unfortunate that such a groundbreaking, landmark film is not widely available, anymore.

maybe “Stylemasters”

Hi all

thanks - i will check Freeride - the buttons bit i recall well he was chewing beach wood and handfuls of sand - also had Mark Liddle doing crazy stuff!!

Stylemasters? isn’t that a new compilation release, or is it an old movie re released? i saw it a while ago but to be honest i was disappointed - cant remember why but a friend raved about it but it didn’t do it for me…

thanks for all and any ideas on my “Search”…

as ever

keen to learn…

Many Classic Moments


just checked and sequence of Buttons eating sand is from Many Classic Moments Great surfing sequences ,terrible sound track.



hi all

thanks for the input - Many Classic Moments, great - i have found this online from a couple of places…

yes i recall the sound track wasn’t great ;0)

thanks for the help.

anyone have any ideas on the Piping Hot / Rubber Souls Questions?

thanks again

keen to learn…

Keen, the Piping Hot vid is titled “Strike Force” and is extremely rare but worth trying to obtain for the display of some of the best backhand power surfing ever filmed , that being Simon Anderson esq. at Narrabeen circa 84. A guy who used to live next door to me had a copy (he had a copy of pretty much every vid ever released. Don’t know know where he ended up and wouldn’t even know where to begin looking for it.)

Rubbber Soul was the first vid to feature Australia’s nor-west desert waves and we were stunned to see guys in wetties pulling into heavier-than-G-land barrels and hearing it was somewhere in OZ. Boy did that light a fuse. A guy called Peter Kirkhouse made that. He is still kicking around somewhere in Vic and I reckon you should be able to track him down. Maybe try calling or E-mail RipCurl head office in Torquay. Good Luck.

If I run into the guy with the encyclopaedic vid collection again I’ll try and track down Strike Force for ya. Steve

Hi Steve

Thanks for the info mate - yep strike force sounds right - if you do ever track it down i would be very grateful indeed.

Yes rubber soul - good waves, good surfing and decent sounds - i have a friend in Torquay, i will see if he have find out if a copy is still around anywhere!

thanks again for the info, most appreciated…

as ever

keen to learn…


hi all

any chance of some help with a couple of surf video / film questions?

When i was a young grom i worked in the local surf shop this would have been in the mid 80’s. the surf video selection was somewhat slim but they did have a copy of one surf film that i watched and watch but i have no idea what the film was called and would love to track down a copy.

so here goes - who can name the film…

mainly north shore (maybe all north shore) the highlights were MR and Shaun dueling in out at what looks like backdoor / off the wall. loads of slow mo water footage. Buttons ripping and eating sand - any ideas?

on a similar note - a few years later i rented a video which i think was a piping hot (wetsuits) video and it included some great footage of Kong driving a white open top sports car and then hitting either burliegh or kirra on a great looking swell - there is a bit where the film shows a photog on the beach shooting who looks away after what looks like a super long barrel has shut down, only for kong to fly out of the end section. i also think it included some “brits” - any ideas of the name?

and lastly the easy one - i have a copy of an old Rip Curl video rubber soul - anyone else have a copy they might want to sell / trade? my copy looks like a copy and plays like it has seen better days…

Oh the joys of trying to relive our youth eh!

On a funny note, i have helping clear my mums attic and found an old box of my stuff including my first pair of qs war paint trucks (crikes there look tight and short), a trim world cup hoody (in aqua blue) and vision street wear t shirt (that still looks ok) - man i must have looked a state!!! ;0)

as ever

keen to learn…

The buttons bit was used in more than one movie. The one with all that footage was Many Classic Moments. Go to surf video network. He has lots of those old films. Surfers the movie also had the M.R. Shaun duel. Mid eighties I doubt it was freeride. I have never seen that for sale on video. Also…E mail he has some great movies as well.

hi solosurfer

thanks for that, i might have mislead you a little - i used to watch the video mid 80’s but it was certainly from a few years before.

i will get a copy of Many Classic Moments and see from there…

thanks again

as ever

keen to learn…