Dumb question but I can’t seem to find the answer in the archives… did I buy the right stuff or did I end up with gloss? I mean is surfacing resin the same thing as hot coat resin?
Dumb question but I can’t seem to find the answer in the archives… did I buy the right stuff or did I end up with gloss? I mean is surfacing resin the same thing as hot coat resin?
Relax, you got hotcoat resin. HC = surfacing resin =( lam resin + SA). Can’t believe the archives didn’t provide…
Thanks +1 - both for this and for the help on the glassing mistakes thread. Yea I searched and searched but couldn’t find something that definitively said HC = surfacing. I saw some recipes for lam, hc, and gloss but it wasn’t very clear. Just wanted to make sure I hadn’t just earned yet another trip to buy/exchange/replace some kind of tool/material! They practically know me at Home Depot from all the trips I’ve made there over the weekend!
Home Depot? you’re going to “the Homer” for surfboard resin?!! Bro, start looking for other sources in your area; hope you’re not using resin from them. It is industrial grade and lacks a lot of the chemical and physical qualities unique to surfboards. It is also way over-priced. Keep looking if this is the case…
No, no, no… Mitch’s in Solana beach for all glassing / shaping supplies. Homer is just stoked to have me buying all sorts of tools… first the surform/planer/square etc… then back cause I made a mess and a shop vac would be nice… then I figured a bag of latex gloves would be handy along with a drop cloth… hey I may as well go back and buy a dremel tool cause that router is just too big and heavy to work with one hand… then back cause the dremel had been opened already and didn’t have a manual and the collet was the wrong size for all the tools it included in the kit… then back again cause… aw, you get the idea.
Only one trip to Mitch’s and got everything I needed… blank, fins/boxes, resin, cloth, catalyst, squeege, sanding screen, etc… wonder if they’ve got bleached sand paper…