Hey everyone. I finally registered for swaylocks after months of just reading posts. I’m up in North Florida and have noticed a lot of guys on here are from that area. I’d like to get into making some boards and am curious where people get their supplies- I see there is a place in the Melbourne area (Fiberglass Florida) that carries Teccel blanks (are they any good?), but no fins or boxes. Also, i’ve searched the archives here and haven’t really found a concise source for design theory. I’m really interested in how various methods of construction effect the boards performance. Things such as where the wide part of the board is, and the effect it has. Or if you don’t toe fins in, or if you toe them in too much, what happens… That sort of thing. Is there a good source for that? I don’t want to re-invent the wheel when others have been figuring these things out for decades. Thanks.
Awesome, is it a place you can go in or just an online shop?
You can go in but it help the guys working there if you know what you want because alot of the things are put up in boxes and hard to spot.I sent you a pm also.
+1 on SurfSource. Fast and courteous service. I really like the Teccell foam. I also use their epoxy and standard fin boxes in all of my boards.
Sorry for my brief response I was in a hurry.
I'm in North Carolina so I've only ordered from them online; but they have always been exremely helpful and patient with me when I've had to call them up and ask questions. Great guys to do business with, I know plenty of shapers in north and central Fl go there to the shop to pick up their stuff and they have all said these guys are great to deal with I've never heard a bad report. Ditto to what Mako said about the standard fins and boxes, economical and tough as hell setup. Also if you're interested in a "starter kit" check out Greenlight Surf Supply. You'll have to order online or call him but Brian does a super job for first time builders and hobbyists. www.greenlightsurfsupply.com
Good Luck!
Thanks for all the input. I’ll definitely check them out. I feel like the money saved in shipping could almost add up to a second board after looking at some other websites.
www.surfsource.net - JAX
www.Holladaysurfboards.com - JAX
www.category5surf.com - JAX
ASM - Melbourne
http://www.fiberglassflorida.com/ - Stuart