Surfboard Buoyancy Testing

Surfboard Buoyancy Testing

31A Ranch Rd.

Mt. Maunganui 3002

New Zealand


Press Release

Surfboard Buoyancy Testing has developed and applied for patents on a standardized buoyancy test for surfboards. Whether a board is made from EPS, epoxy composite, hollow carbon fiber, “S-Core”, or glassed from the dozens of different polyurethane and other blanks available, our “BUOYANCY RATING” will make it possible for you to compare and choose the board most suited to your body weight, surfing ability and wave conditions. SBT has found there is a relationship between a board’s buoyancy and the surfer’s body weight and surfing ability. Selecting a board outside a certain range can hinder performance. It is now possible when purchasing a new board to choose + or - the buoyancy and find out what works for you. There can be a dramatic difference between an identical EPS and standard PU board. With a buoyancy rating you can pick either board based on the buoyancy instead of guessing using the length + width + thickness. Board building has changed significantly in recent years, why shouldn’t there be more specifications when choosing equipment? Retailers as well as the average surfer will find it useful using our “Buoyancy Table” to help choose their next board. Please visit our website for a more in depth look. . We are currently looking for board builders and selected retailers to add a Buoyancy Rating to their boards. For questions or comments please contact: Curtis Courian at or phone +64 7 572-1474

we have had a volume displacement value on our boards for 4-5 years. its great for educating customers!

Displaced volume of a board does not equal buoyancy. It could be a way to compair boards if they were all made of the same materials. A identical PU board and Surftech would not be close to having the same buoyancy.

as i said " its great for educating customers"

even the bouyancy of a new board compared to when its old is different…