Surfboard collectors site

Does anyone know of a web site that may/may not exists where surfboard collectors can share with other collectors showing off their old boards. Where anyone can sibmit pics and photos of their collectable boards,give a history and discription so others can view to see what is still in existance.A forum page, maybe a trading page, tips on restoration ect… At one time Danny Brawner’s Auction site showed pics of the boards up for auction. It was nice to see the boards… I would like to show-off my collection to others as much as I would like to see others. Just wondering if this exists.

Does anyone know of a web site that may/may not exists where surfboard > collectors can share with other collectors showing off their old boards. > Where anyone can sibmit pics and photos of their collectable boards,give a > history and discription so others can view to see what is still in > existance.A forum page, maybe a trading page, tips on restoration ect… > At one time Danny Brawner’s Auction site showed pics of the boards up for > auction. It was nice to see the boards… I would like to show-off my > collection to others as much as I would like to see others. Just wondering > if this exists. Andy Anderson has a site that is more of an antique board registry and gives info about when and where board were made and by whom.

Andy Anderson has a site that is more of an antique board registry and > gives info about when and where board were made and by whom. What is Andy Anderson’s web address to check out. Thanks

Try these guys in New Zealand There are some old ones here Rabbit

Not exactly what you want, but a nice collection of old boards nonethelesss

I thought fits that description. :wink:

Andy Andersons site can be found by typing Andy Anderson surfboards, on

Google "stoked-n-board"


Andy Anderson

hi there !


it may not be EXACTLY what you mentioned , not a lot of writing / comments , but mainlty PHOTOS of [mainly aussie] surfboards ,


but ....


 I really like this one .... 


 a nice site , with a year-by-year type 'catalogue'  feature ....


  I hope this helps ?


  cheers !


  ben , west oz