Surfboard graphics pictures - where to find

I am looking for a archive of graphics and color schemes for shortboards. Does anyone know of any links??? stoked, calisurfer

i hope my website can be of help. you gan also try>>> I am looking for a archive of graphics and color schemes for shortboards. > Does anyone know of any links???>>> stoked,>>> calisurfer

I am looking for a archive of graphics and color schemes for shortboards. > Does anyone know of any links???>>> stoked,>>> calisurfer Try Aloha, Kokua

those boards are awesome man. what do you use to paint them?

those boards are awesome man. what do you use to paint them? we paint them with automotive acrylics and apply most with a spray gun and a selection of viynl masks!. i thank ozzie wright daily for making punk style art acceptable on surfboards.(and clothing) prior to his sucsesses i would do that individual creative style stuff and i could not sell it. now people accept it buy it and talk about it. hurrah for creative freedom!