Surfboard Mfg Industry

I am a longtime Swaylock viewer, first time poster. First off I’d like to thank you all, your postings have given me the confidence to shape a few of my own boards, I have 8 unber my belt now and each one is getting better. Now to the point of my post. I am presently taking an economics class for a graduate MBA program. We’ve been given an assignment to discuss the supply and demand theories for any article dated 9/1/03 or later. I figure its easier to do an analysis on something I’m interested in and given the recent trends on the surfboard industry (pop outs, offshore resin pricing, etc,) I thought I could do my paper on this topic. Problem is I cant find any articles. I contacted SIMA, which said they had nothing, and have run countless web searchs to no avail. Any suggestions?

Think outside the box for just a moment. Just about trade and industry has their own publications that very few of us “outsiders” know about. There must be trade publications that deal with the plastics, watersports,and other types of manufacturing that may be of some help. Start there with a web search and see where that leads you. You can also call or visit retailers and manufacturing plants that deal with materials related to the surf industry, and see what is available. Don’t be affraid to pick someones brain for information. Good luck.

You may have to be a member to get the numbers. There are some contact links and numbers listed that may help if you identify yourself and describe what you’re doing. Check the ASR link below.

I took a class at UCSD about surfing, the economy and the environment. The proffessor put together some very intersting readings and gave some excellent lectures. You should look him up and get his syllabus and some advice. He is also a great guy to talk surfing with. Use the web and find Gordon Hanson. Good luck and have fun. Darren

Just go surf and dont concern yourself with such trivial matters.

If you missed the link on the ASP page, here is one that may prove valuable to you. They want a 195.00 fee for the latest but you may find some good stuff for free.