Surfboard Prophylactic

I take care of those toys that give me magical pleasure. The Duct tape.boards kept for my quiver do. The following travel-packing method has evolved over the years. I have never experienced any damage fr om the baggage baboons. I use this method whether my boards are going into hard or soft cases: Materials needed: Foam pipe insulation, 3/8 or 1/2", 72" length. Hi-density foam campers’ sleeping mats, 20-22x72x3/8 or 1/2". You’ll be making 3 sections. Nose and tail are made first, middle is last. Split and fit the insulation over the nose (or tail). Cut to fit a piece of mat that spans, and slightly overlaps, the insulation. Tack it with tape. Turn the board over to complete the section. Do the other end. These sections slide on-off. The middle section is done similarly, but must be cut down the middle to remove it. Rail curvature, ya know? Use tape to fasten it back together. You can double or triple up any of it, depending on the severity of your neurosis AND the dimensions of your board bag. Cost per board is about $50, but it’s reusable for THAT board. It is time consuming to make. For glassed-on fins, I would use a fitted block of EPS foam to encase the fins. Adapt this info to your own needs. Happy trails.

I take care of those toys that give me magical pleasure. The boards kept for my quiver do. The following travel-packing method has evolved over the years. I have never experienced any damage from the baggage baboons. I use this method whether my boards are going into hard or soft cases:>>> Materials needed: Duct tape.>>> Foam pipe insulation, 3/8 or 1/2", 72" length.>>> Hi-density foam campers’ sleeping mats, 20-22x72x3/8 or 1/2".>>> You’ll be making 3 sections. Nose and tail are made first, middle is last.>>> Split and fit the insulation over the nose (or tail). Cut to fit a piece > of mat that spans, and slightly overlaps, the insulation. Tack it with > tape. Turn the board over to complete the section.>>> Do the other end. These sections slide on-off.>>> The middle section is done similarly, but must be cut down the middle to > remove it. Rail curvature, ya know? Use tape to fasten it back together.>>> You can double or triple up any of it, depending on the severity of your > neurosis AND the dimensions of your board bag.>>> Cost per board is about $50, but it’s reusable for THAT board.>>> It is time consuming to make.>>> For glassed-on fins, I would use a fitted block of EPS foam to encase the > fins.>>> Adapt this info to your own needs.>>> Happy trails.