Surfboard shaper- Bendicksen @ Malibu

I’m trying to find out more about this shaper and his history. Anyone know him or of him?

Dan did the lion’s share of Bing Noseriders in the day and virtually all the reissues of same. I just gave him the Swaylocks address and hope he finds time to chime in. He’s a hell of a guy! If you are reading this Dan, WELCOME ABOARD!

Thanks John, My wife knows him personally and I have yet to meet him. I actually rode one of his boards in Viet Nam (long story). I’m just trying to get to know his history a little better and find out where his boards are today!

We like “long stories” around here. :wink:

Dan is one of the finest shapers in the world !!! He is the real deal, A true surfer - shaper with a high level of technical understanding of functional design applications. His craftsmanship is above excellent, He has the gift and it shows in his work. I’ve learned alot about surfing, shaping,tool’s and LIFE from Dano… He’s my original mentor, His wife Rudi taught me how to swim when I was three years old and Dan took me surfing at age nine. I used to go by the Bing factory in Hermosa Beach and watch him shape after school. He’s been a great big brother to me for the last 36 years and continue’s to school me in the ART on a regular basis… He is the main reason that I became a, surfer - shaper !!! HE HAS SOUL… Wayne Rich

wayne- you shaped me a classic 60’s pin nose rider last year, my brother andrew and i came in to order it in august(2002) and it was shipped to new jersey. any way i wanted to talk to you about having a square tail made, can i have your email address or is telephone best? i look forward to sitting down with you again-mike

This why we wind up with shapers the caliber or Wayne, mentoring by dedicated craftsmen. Out of all the thousands of “shapers”, only a blessed handfull ever get to step up to the plate and wear that coveted hat of the master craftsman

Mike I’m pretty sure you can get Wayne through Clyde Beatty’s shop in SB. 805-965-3180

Dan did the lion’s share of Bing Noseriders in the day and virtually all the reissues of same --------------------------------------------- He probably did most of the Pipeliners as well.

Long story version: I was stationed in DaNang in 1969 and was surfing a little known area called China Beach on some “borrowed” boards from an R&R center in Hawaii when we did a “favor” for an Admiral. hawaii decided to ship us a lot of the old equiptment which included an old Bing and 110 Royal hawain surfboards; a sand buggy; a Prindle catboat; a Lightning; a Rhodes 19 and a bunch of other goodies. Well while my team was out rescuing pilots th “ol man” decided thatour secret spot would make a great in country R&R center, so we proceeded to build it up as such. That December we were photographed whle surfing some of the monsoon swells and supposedly made it in Surfer magazine, though I’ve never seen the issue. I began to strip some of the Royal Hawain boards down and reshape them into short single fin boards. I was all great, but someone figured out we were having too much fun so we were transfered to an area south of Cam Rhan Bay to an even better spot with a virgin beach that no one had ever surfed before! Life was good and we kept a few boards with us until we got sent home. The bing was a big hit and I still wish I had it today along with a 1967 Model A from Surfboards hawaii! Oh well! Now Mr. Bendicksen is having trouble with his health and my wife is managing his care as a nurse. He’s invited me down to meet him and use his shaping room, but it’s been so long I would probably just embarrass myself. Still I plan to go visit; show him some old pictures and see what he thinks. I’ll let you all know how that goes…dave barnes