Surfboard Specific EPS

Got my hands on a US blanks 2.0 # EPS blank - they mold their EPS blanks instead of cutting them out of a block.  Their website claimed this makes the bead bonding so tight that you do not need to seal them prior to glassing - well I was skeptical but they deliver on their claim!  I could not believe how solid the foam is and how smooth it finishes out!  This stuff tools almost as well as urethane.  I have been using 2# virgin bead block EPS straight from a manufacturer (not surfboard specific) and it works well but it is no where near where this molded EPS is.

Are the surfboard specific block foam blanks (White Hot, Segway, etc) as good as the molded EPS blanks (Marko, US Blanks, etc)???

I like the block and being able to cut my own templates and stringers - but shaping that molded blank is amazing!


shaped EPS 6'0

have you ever tried to use an other EPS Block (brand) not surfboard spec.? my friend use another EPS blocks to mine, his boards are also 100% smooth, he also dont need to spackle the board....


Yeah I have tried the foam from Fiberglass Florida (it is the Insulfoam hardshot I think) and it is similar to the blocks that I am using.

Have you compared the molded EPS blanks to the block foam you are using?

I've tried both surfboard specific (Marko) and non specific. Easy way to tell is to look at the shape of the balls. If they are irregularly shaped instead of round, then its better foam. Ball size is a factor too; I think the smaller, the better the finish but smaller is tricky to get right (fusion) so buying reputable foam is a good idea. A long time ago I had some poorly fused foam that resulted in some unreliable boards. 


Better Strength to Weight!

We need that option in the market. Choices are good.    

PS - Surfteach knows a lot about this subject.

There’s not doubt, at least in my mind, that the molded blanks (US and Marko) are superior. They also cost more. If tried several different expanded foams, and while they all “work,” I have found that the you can get a good shape polished out and ready for glass a lot faster with molded foam.

any professional eps blank builders want to weigh in on this?