surfboards and fin test rides [photos]




the single keel , in the 6’11 pintail  …

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6’3 x 18 3/4 x 2 1/4

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nice pics ben ! glad to see you’re still stoked !


cheers !

From yesterday …


  … a 7.5" homemade orange "pigmented’’ fin , in the 6’10 singley’s finbox  …

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This set is the front fins for my quad.  Huei just nailed it, it took us a while cause my feedback was slow as i tried to work things out with the 4ws system but finally settled on these and for the surf I want to ride he just bloody nailed it.  Well done huei.

nice !


  great to see you back here , digs !


  where are you now , in your around australia travels ?


  do you have a photo of those fins in action ?



