Surfboards by Hack

@ Huck,

I’ll vote right along with Mr. Mellor.      I think that board is a good example of the type of Pig, most surfers are familiar with.      WP looks to be about 40% of board length, up from the tail.

Wouldn’t comment on something  I did not know, respect and have done.


What Bill quoted is scripture;

In 1958  Wayne Land, a frequent shaper for V&J, explained the design principle of the Pig to me, as having the widest point AND the thickest point of the board, 1/3rd of the length up from the tail.     That is the historic late fifties Pig design/dimensions.

My story….

Started fooling around with the “Pig” as soon as I started shaping (coming from Dales belly) it was a “given” the shapes were mostly boards for myself.

Actually rode Paumalū a number of times trying to tune them.

And had some success.

I know this;

With all that surface area, they haul ass!!!

Eh! That was the 90’s. . .

My point is this

Me owns and have riden to near death

 A Hobie PE (#314)

And a spoon.

And I will  tell you this….

Those two templates are still used a lot!

Viva da Pig.

Sometimes mistakes turn into gold. . . .

Alot of the early 60’s stuff were “Pig” influenced and so is this board.  Bill knows this for sure as he was at Hansen during the period when Doyle came up with the 1st proto types for the Doyle and 50/50 Models.  Having owned one that was an early version;  it was obviously “Pig” influenced. Wide point well behind center.  As this “Hack” is also.   Sorry Huck.  Just trying to help a girl out.