Surfboards by Hack

I have a vintage “Surfboards by Hack” board. I have never surfed it. It has been on display in my garage. It is very heavy. I was thinking about posting it on Craigslist to make some space. I thought I had better ask the community if anyone can give me a history or value on the board before I let it go/make a mistake. Please post or PM. Thanks in advance. Jeff

Hi - I’m not familiar with the label but it looks like a good rider. Without knowing your location or the used board market in the area I’d guess somewhere around 350-500 bucks. It wouldn’t hurt to ask 500 anyway.

Shaped by Landen Young, Oceanside, California. ca. 1966.


That’s pretty funny sammy.

He wasn’t even on his mommy’s tit yet (as they say).

He has no idea that name was used before his time.

Should have done his homework eh?

Define a “pig”.

Uh Oh… SammyA vs McDing?  I’m pulling up a chair!  HAHA


[Quote=johnmellor]SammyA vs McDing?

Not gonna happen. He’s not worthy of a reply.

Just thought I’d give you the opportunity to show your superior knowledge and delve into you magazine collection.

Rosy O’Donnell.

“R. O’Donnell” THAT is some funny stuff! The definitive answer. Breeding sow of the herd.

Some people just can’t refrain from being a douche. It’s in their nature, it seems.

You need a douche.  Let me give you one.

With Ajax.

I thought it was a legitimate question.

So, you think it’s a legitimate qouestion, eh?         Well, move this topic back to General Discussion, and I’ll give you the history of the Pig design as I lived it.        And observed it.        The move to Errors & Bugs, seems premature and a bit too PC, don’t you think?    Give the topic a shot at being explored.

Okie doke, fire away.

Not familiar with it but looks awesome. Why craigslist? Maybe you should hit up eBay or something. Another thing I would do is contact local surf shops. They can definitely tell you more and help to get you a much better deal as well.

The original first ever Pig, was the result of the glasser (unknown) at Velzy&Jacobs, putting the fin on the wrong end of the board.     When discovered, Velzy decided to try it out, before ‘‘correcting’’ the mistake.        The result was that the board turned with an ease, not previously experienced.       This was told to me by Ronald Patterson, as well as Bobby Patterson on a seperate ocassion.      Both of them rode for and worked for Velzy&Jacobs in the mid fifties.       In 1958  Wayne Land, a frequent shaper for V&J, explained the design principle of the Pig to me, as having the widest point AND the thickest point of the board, 1/3rd of the length up from the tail.     That is the historic late fifties Pig design/dimensions.         In 1960 I was ‘‘exposed’’ to the design philosophy of Phil Edwards.     His board design, which later (1964) became the Phil Edwards Model, I would describe as a modified Pig, as the WP was still behind center, at 44% to 45% of board length up from the tail.       Most surfers today have been exposed to variations of the modified Pig, few have seen or ridden one of the classic historic Pigs.        All that said, I would classify most HPSB’s, as ‘‘Mini Pigs’’, piglets, if you will.        So, in that way, the original design mistake, is still with us.

And sounds plausible. Weirder things have happened. So why is the board in the o.p. not a pig?

I’d like to submit my vote for calling it a pig.  Maybe not as extreme as some I’ve seen but in a clean, balanced, +/- neutral way, it basically fits Bill Thrailkill’s definition.

I once had an old 9’ Dewey Weber with the wide point back 23".  I think the nose was slightly more pinched than the Hack in question. I’d be OK calling either one a pig.

The Hack reminds me of an old Yater I have. I’d have to take a tape measure to it to verify wide point position before I called it a pig.  I think it’s more centered(?)