Surfboards East Surfboards info

Does anyone have any info on Surfboards East surfboards? I think they were made in New Jersey in the 60's, maybe in Lakewood or Freehold, and I'm not even sure about that. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Thanks Sammy.

Mike- not the same label. Thanks anyway. I do have a Surfboards Hawaii Noserider that Jim Philips shaped. Fun board. I bought it from a guy in  Long Island.


mgarbutt- Thanks.


If I can wangle this board I'll send pics.

They were made in Lakewood, Nj. I have done some work on a few that my buddy collects, very cool boards for that era.

If this is the label you're talking about, you've found gold here

Worth reading just for Jim Phillips' stories lol.


Jim Phillips had a hand in those, too.

Picked this up over the weekend at a garage sale.

I was wondering (and Im assuming not) if there any way to tell if Gene Conttrell or Jim Phillips shaped it, I couldn’t find any type of signature on the board. I was also wondering on the value just out of curiosity and lastly I want to to get it fixed up and water tight do you think I should find a guy who restores boards in NJ or just go with my local ding repair guy will it affect the value either way? Few little dings on the board but Im itching to ride it and see what it can do before it hits the wall. Any thoughts or more info on the board I would appreciate it. Thanks Sammy A for that pdf on Surfboards East.



Jim might be able to tell you if he shaped it, or if it was another guy.

It has no signature because it was built in the 60s and NOBODY signed boards back then.

It might be worth something to a guy from NJ who rode one back in the day. But, it really isn’t worth any more than other small East Coast labels are.

Don’t fuss over it. It’s not a museum piece or coveted collectible. Take it to a pro repair guy if you can’t do the work. Ride it and enjoy it,or sell it to someone who will.

Awesome thank you thats all I needed to know. 

I will have it repaired and Im still gonna put it up on the wall and ride it from time to time.  Its in really good shape, love the craftsmanship that went into boards of that era and since its local (im in NJ) I love having a piece of NJ surfing history. Looking forward to getting it back out in the water. Thanks Sammy for the info

Where in NJ are you? I can clean it up and make it water-tight. Let me know…

Monmouth County and you

Westfield. You can probably find someone a bit closer to you to repair, but if not, I’m happy to do it for a reasonable price. I’ve done a bunch of these type of “cleanups” lately on old boards. Not full restorations, just making them watertight and cleaning up any cancer (rotted foam, etc.) so they can be surfed for years to come.


I would agree with you, if it wasn’t for that big open wound in the tail. It looks like it’s been sucking water for some time, and there’s staining all around the fin. If that stain is under the glass you may see a lot of delamination in the near future. Have you tried cleaning it up to tell what’s really going on?

Thanks for the offer I appreciate it. Im going to look for someone closer to home. 

The guys at Greenlight should be able to hook you up with someone.

thanks thats exactly what i was thinking


Just saw this. Hope I can update any info you have. I know quite a bit about Surfboards East, DeGroot and Mason and Challanger Eastern Surfboards, all made in central Jersey during the 60’s and some in the 70’s. I rode and sold all three. Surfboards East had a factory/showroom near the Parkway entrance and Bowling Alley in Lakewood NJ. The main guy was Gene Cottrell and they were sold at the showroom, the Tiki Surf Shop on Arnold Avenue in Point Pleasant and at the Surfer/ Point Surf Shop in Point Pleasant Beach NJ, where I worked for several summers as a kid. East and Challenger came to be to cash in on the east coast surfing boom of the mid-sixties. They killed the market with quality sticks, competitive prices with west cost makers (no shipping) and local rippers like Gary Cimochowski putting on a show for Surfboards East. Cottrell followed with DeGroot and Mason in the late 60’s and specialized in short boards with W.A.V.E. Set and FU fins all made in Point Pleasant NJ. I once bought one from him out of the back of his car in 1969. Think Charlie Kupper had been a Cotrell understudy and carried on with Freedom Surfboards, also made in Point Pleasant NJ. Before opening the Ocean Township factory, Tinker would deliver Challanger Easterns to The Surfer on Ocean Avenue in Point Pleasant Beach. Challanger had a Factory/Showroom on rt 66 in Neptune, NJ. The Surfer surf shop was located on what is now the parking lot for Jenkinson’s Amusement Park. Most times boards were carried from his Woody into the shop by Bruce and Vinny Lopez, members of the band Steel Mill which Tinker managed at the time.