Years ago I was boarding an inter island flight from Oahu to Kauai. I had my boards with me in a board bag. The guy at the counter (a really kanaka looking guy) asks me- “Are those surfboards or golf clubs?” He had to be kidding right? But he was looking really serious. I asked, “Why do you ask?” And he replied, “Because if they’re golf clubs they go free. If they’re surfboards you gotta pay $40 each, each way.” I replied, “They’re golf clubs.” And he smiles as he writes golf clubs on the tag , “That’s what I thought.”
…almost as classic as that logo. “lavz” nice work!!!
So, what are they charging these days for boards? My last trip to Panama a year back ended up costing me $65 each way on, I believe, Continential. I would’ve tried the golf club line, but my ten foot travel case probably made me look suspect.
Well, gotta’ get back to the back nine…errr, my nine-six.